- Messages
- 8
- Reactions
- 9
Thank you so much for the update. Its working fine.
- Animation of Betheme theme.
- Animation of TRX Addons for Elementor.
- Lazy HTML: Storing as attributes.
- Option for set 'Content-Length' HTTP response.
- Sticky elements of Elementor.
- Stretched elements for Elementor.
- Support for Slider Revolution.
- Tabs of Login/Signup Popup.
- Use internal requests for asynchronous tasks execution: adaptation to 'private_html'.
- GEO IP can be detected...
- Player from Presto.
- Sucuri cache dropping.
Thank you so much its working.raz0r updated Seraphinite Accelerator Extended with a new update entry:
Seraphinite Accelerator Extended 2.21.10 NULLED
Read the rest of this update entry...
Not working for me, keeps asking for a license and manager states "Skipped: out of license"raz0r updated Seraphinite Accelerator Extended with a new update entry:
Seraphinite Accelerator Extended 2.21.10 NULLED
Read the rest of this update entry...
Here is extended version no difference from this full premiumNot working for me, keeps asking for a license and manager states "Skipped: out of license"
- Custom cache directory via SERAPH_ACCEL_CACHE_DIR.
- Possibility using scripts inside ‘fresh’ parts blocks.
- Self-diagnosis: Checking getting data from the vendor’s server.
- Stopping removing ‘loading%3D»lazy»‘ attribute from ‘img’ tags.
- Support for ‘WP Hide & Security Enhancer’ plugin.
- Support for Slider Revolution.
- Support for updating URLs with different case.
- AMP pages contain custom scripts that...
Always thanks very much raz0r....but now, updated the plugin, on dashboard remains active the announce attached...raz0r updated Seraphinite Accelerator Extended with a new update entry:
Seraphinite Accelerator Extended 2.21.11 NULLED
Read the rest of this update entry...
- Background video of Ultimate for WPBakery.
- Nivo Slider for jQuery.
- Support for Smart Slider.
- Use custom styles even if scripts are not delay loaded.
- Activation can be dropped when multi-language plugins are used.
- HTML parser fails if 'ctype_digit' PHP function is not available.
- Price Filter from WooCommerce.
- Use internal requests for asynchronous tasks execution: on some Windows...
- Activation can be dropped when multi-language plugins are used.
- Localization of the product is broken on some sites.
- Defining SERAPH_ACCEL_SITEROOT_DIR constant.
- Deinline large fonts.
- Revolution Slider 6.7 and higher.
- HTML parser: tags that contain digits 0,7,8,9 are truncated.
- Vulnerability of Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in cancelling processing item.
Thank You so much razOrraz0r updated Seraphinite Accelerator Extended with a new update entry:
Seraphinite Accelerator Extended 2.21.14 NULLED
Read the rest of this update entry...
- Revalidate cache if needed.
- Support for checking original path (mixed case and multi-slash) in exclusions.
- Asynchronous tasks execution: internal: Headers are included in response on some servers.
- Optimization returns 'noHdrOrBody' status on some sites.
- PHP notice: CacheUrlProcessor::$cbIsAbort is deprecated.
Thank You raZor for the updatePlease use the following key to activate the license of 2.21.8