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[Request] YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup Premium


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What the plugin does
Show a popup to customers after they've added a product to the cart, improving, in this way, the user experience and boosting up-selling.

A hands-on solution to improve your shop usability and boost up-selling
A customer that adds a product to the cart may experience a quite annoying and useless waiting time before being able to check out and finalize the purchase. Thanks to this plugin’s functionalities, the purchase process will be streamlined and become much easier and faster for your users.

YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup allows you to show a popup window every time the customer adds a new product to the cart to see the updated cart content. On one hand, this helps customers have a clear view of what they are going to purchase and, on the other hand, this encourages them to keep browsing the site to buy more products.

Link: https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-added-to-cart-popup/
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