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REQUEST Request of ShaunSocial php script latest version


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Any One Have This One :

ShaunSocial is a PHP Social Network Script. It is the first truly Laravel social network framework for building fast, scalable and secure content-driven social network websites and mobile apps.

Our script supports native apps and uses the latest technology for building web and apps. It’s designed to be scalable when your community grows.

For the front end, we design the interface in a simple, content-oriented style, friendly to all devices using Vue.js technology.
For the backend, we use laravel framework, a very popular platform and is being used by many developers. This helps you easily find developers when you want to change or develop new features to change ShaunSocial to suit your business model.
For mobile apps, we use flutter, the world’s most popular mobile app development framework. Mobile apps and front end communicate with backend through API.
Regarding database, we use MariaDB and MySQL
Landing page: Customizable landing page where you can change picture, text and logo
Feeds: includes status updates, photos, videos, links, ... .from people and tags that you follow on your shaunsocial website/apps.
Profile Page: Profile page is where you can view user posts, follow, send a message.. and see detailed information of the user.
List Page: List page to manage Followings, Followers, Blocked members and Tags
Discover: Discover is the place to display the trending/popular updates you may be interested in to follow.
Bookmarks: Save content that you interested in bookmark tab
GPDR: Download user personal data. Download link will be sent directly to user email
Story Plugin: Create a background and image story to share to your followers.
Realtime Chat: Send/Receive chat requests and start chatting right away.
Watch: The watch section displays short-form videos that members shared on the ShaunSocial platform at homepage. It's the basic version of Instagram Reels and TikTok. The most popular (based on total likes and comments) videos will on top
Invite: Invite friends to join the social network via email
Profile Settings: Change Profile, Account, Notifications and Mail Setting
Darkmode: Change site theme manually or based on setting day/night of the system.
Hashtags: On ShaunSocial, people use the hashtag symbol (#) before a relevant keyword or phrase in their post to categorize those posts and help them show more easily in search. Clicking or tapping on a hashtagged word in any message shows you other posts that include that hashtag. Hashtags can be included anywhere in a post.
Static pages: provides you a tool to create a custom page and add it into the main menu, footer menu or mobile apps. The pages module is also a tool where you can manage the content of “policy”, “term of services' ' and “About us” page at the footer menu.
Follow: allow you to follow people and Hashtags
Layout editor: Change layout of any page on the site via our layout manager
Social logins: allows SSO login in ShuanSocial site via any OAuth/OpenID Connect Identity provider such as facebook, google, apple…, and others. This plugin allows secure login to your ShuanSocial site without having to remember a username and password
Comment: allows your members to make comments on the posts on your site
Reply: allows you to reply to a comment
Report: allows your members to report posts, profile e.t.c
Videos: allow your member can share a short videos, the short video will appear in the Watch section
RTL language support
Rest api: full support rest api for all features
Multi-Lingual: you can easily create a new language pack and translate it by yourself in the admin panel.
Notification: send to your members notification (push and email) about the related items.
Storage System: Add external storage like s3 to the site to store media files
Search Plugin: allow your member to search posts…by keyword.
Likes: provide your members option to like items shared in your site
Share: provide your members option to repost items in your site
Mention: provide your members ability to mention each other in their post
And Many More features that you can check at our above demo link.
Server OS: Linux is recommended
Web server: Apache or (NginX + PHP-FPM)
PHP 8.1+
Database: MySQL 5.7+ or MariaDB 10.10+
Video Upload: FFMPEG (Optional)
PHP extensions: Ctype, cURL, DOM, Fileinfo, Filter, Hash, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PCRE, Tokenizer, XML, GD, Zip, fileinfo, exif