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Ramom School - Multi Branch School Management System Codecanyon

NULLED Ramom School - Multi Branch School Management System Codecanyon 6.0 NULLED

raz0r updated Ramom School - Multi Branch School Management System Codecanyon with a new update entry:

Ramom School v6.0 NULLED

Version 6.0 – 28,June,2023

- Added Inventory Modules.
- Added Google Meet Live Class.
- Added Nepalste Payment Gateway (Nepali).
- Added Student Fees Revert will be Adjust with Office Accounting.
- Added "Next Follow Up Date" On the Admission Enquiry Page.
- Updated Zoom API.
- Fixed - Exam Result, Certificate, Progress Reports Generate and Print Issue.
- Fixed - Student ID Card User Details Not Match Issue.
- Fixed - Due Fees Report Frist Name Dobule Issue.
- Fixed - Due Fees Report...

Read the rest of this update entry...
raz0r 's signature
Top-liked message: 9
here u go Ramom School Subscription (Saas) not sure its nulled test it urself

Post automatically merged:

Please!!! Ramom School Subscription (Saas)​

upload from friends site check it before using it
iranthavan 's signature
Top-liked message: 36
Ramom School QR Code Attendence addon adds QR Code attendence module in “Ramom Multi Branch School Management System”. Using this addon students and employees attendance can be taken through smartphone(Android and IOS) camera or webcam. Also you can track employees In Time and Out Time. Overcome the hurdles involved in tracking attendance by using our QR code attendance. Now, you can verify and track your attendance super-smoothly. The user attendance QR code is secure, as it is printed in encrypted condition.

iranthavan 's signature
Top-liked message: 51
1. download thie nulled file https://workupload.com/file/5h8dV2VFXHL
2. Upload the nulled script and Install it
3. After Installation go to phpmyadmin look for your database and delete all tables
4. Unzip the canblue file the database is in there
45, Import the attached database

login fetail user: [email protected] password: 123456


  • canblue.zip
    308.3 KB · Views: 230
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1. download thie nulled file https://workupload.com/file/5h8dV2VFXHL
2. Upload the nulled script and Install it
3. After Installation go to phpmyadmin look for your database and delete all tables
4. Unzip the canblue file the database is in there
45, Import the attached database

login fetail user: [email protected] password: 123456
the file is infected my friend Jquery.mobile.customized.min.js with SCRIPT.SNH-GEN [TRJ ]
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