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Pixer - React Laravel Multivendor Digital Marketplace

NULLED Pixer - React Laravel Multivendor Digital Marketplace 6.8 NULLED

Pixer - React Laravel Multivendor Digital Marketplace please share v 6.6.0​

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Pixer - React Laravel Multi-Vendor Digital Marketplace v6.7.0 - Untouched

- single shop view broken [Issue fix]
- Product Save without digital file issue [Issue fix]
- Save an external product without using any links or button names [Issue fix]
-Admin order checkout page: 'Check Availability' and 'Place Order' buttons show null text.[Issue fix]
- Ownership transfer Bug [Bug fix]
- Admin create order page bug [Bug fix]

alpipopa 's signature
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Reactions: kyhozoli, raz0r and tisna
raz0r updated Pixer - React Laravel Multivendor Digital Marketplace with a new update entry:

Pixer Laravel Multivendor Digital Marketplace 6.7 NULLED

v6.7.0 5th October 2024
- single shop view broken [Issue fix]
- Product Save without digital file issue [Issue fix]
- Save an external product without using any links or button names [Issue fix]
-Admin order checkout page: 'Check Availability' and 'Place Order' buttons show null text.[Issue fix]
- Ownership transfer Bug [Bug fix]
- Admin create order page bug [Bug fix]

Read the rest of this update entry...
raz0r 's signature
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who can write there instruction for the install this script on cpanel ?
saintharbor 's signature
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This user BANNED from NullCave forum!
time to execute in cpanel 🗿

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