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Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce Premium

NULLED Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce Premium 4.6.2 NULLED


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce - WooCommerce Theme (Themeforest Item ID: 24735635)

View attachment 581

Pinkmart NULLED is the best and most trusted WordPress theme with multiple layouts and styles allows you to create different structures and satisfies any specific requirements for different kind of business. Fully compatible with wooCommerce help you to implement your e-commerce website in the shortest time. Featuring latest web technologies, enjoyable UX and the most beautiful design trends. Full of different pre-built...

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raz0r updated Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce with a new update entry:

VER 3.6 – (29.08.2022)

01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.8 compatibility check
02. IMPROVED: Mega menu style and functionality
03. ADDED: Fullwidth option for menu dropdown
04. ADDED: “Always Open” option for toggle menu
05. ADDED: Boxed item feature for mega menu
06. ADDED: background color feature for mega menu
07. ADDED: fade-in animation for blog element
08. FIXED: load relevant header and footer in multi-language sites
09. FIXED: Carousel not showing in Elementor editor
10. FIXED: image size issue in shop archive...

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raz0r updated Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce with a new update entry:

Pinkmart v3.6.1 NULLED - AJAX theme for WooCommerce

VER 3.6.1 – (19.09.2022)​

01. ADDED: Add fixed sidbar option for blog and blog pages
02. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.9+ compatibility check
03. IMPROVED: Dynamic container size slider has 5px step now, to have better ux ( option in theme setting )
04. FIXED: Hide promobar and popup newsletter in comming soon page
05. FIXED: update RTL Mega menu styles
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

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raz0r updated Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce with a new update entry:

Pinkmart v3.6.3 NULLED - AJAX theme for WooCommerce

Download Pinkmart v3.6.3 NULLED - AJAX theme for WooCommerce​

VER 3.6.3 – (30.10.2022)​

01. ADDED: typewriter widget
02. IMPROVED: Ajax products tab widget – Vertical tab Style
03. IMPROVED: Ajax products tab widget – Tab and subtitle option
04. FIXED: Preloader RTL logo issue in responsive
05. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

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raz0r updated Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce Premium with a new update entry:

Pinkmart v4.1.0 NULLED

VERSION 4.1 – (20.11.2023)

1. Improved: compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1
2. Improved: compatibility with WooCommerce 8.3
3. Improved: compatibility with Elementor 3.17.3
4. FIXED: PHP warning notice while using deal count down timer on product cards
5. FIXED: Fatal error in search functionality in some cases
6. FIXED:strip html tags issue in product metabox options in editor inputs
7. FIXED: product cards not showing when enabling promobar option
8. FIXED: PHP warning notice due to...

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raz0r updated Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce Premium with a new update entry:

Pinkmart 4.6.2 NULLED

VERSION 4.6.2 – (30.11.2024)

1. Added: buy now feature
2. Fixed: some php warning notices in php 8.3
3. Fixed: fatal error due to yith wishlist plugin upgrade
4. Fixed: fatal error while using stock availability bar option in some cases
5. Fixed: swatches issue in some rtl languages
6. Imporved: wooCommerce 9.4.2 compatibility checked

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