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Pie Register Premium

NULLED Pie Register Premium NULLED


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

Pie Register Premium - Create User Registration forms with WordPress Registration Plugin

View attachment 2081

Pie Register Premium NULLED is a User Registration plugin to help you create custom Login and Registration forms in minutes, with no coding skills required. You can customize the registration process and build advance registration flows using the various form fields. The plugin also comes with some additional security features to keep your website spam-free.

Restrict content for exclusive Membership-based websites...

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raz0r updated Pie Register Premium with a new update entry:

Pie Register Premium v3.8.1 NULLED

### 3.8.1
*Released Date 21st September 2022*

* Added: Display user data from pieregister fields on the woocommerce checkout page. (Premium)
* Fixed: Errors and warnings in Import/Export section. (Premium)
* Fixed: Conditional logic conflicting with required settings. (Premium)
* Fixed: Conditional logic not working on upload field. (Premium)
* Fixed: Several PHP warnings.

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raz0r 's signature
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raz0r updated Pie Register Premium with a new update entry:

Pie Register Premium v3.8.1.2 NULLED

*Released Date 2nd Novemeber 2022*

* Added: Use the woocommerce addon to provide users with a free gift product upon registration.
* Updated: Any field (not just email/username) can now be set as the primary searchable field in the profile search addon.
* Fixed: CSS issues in the profile search addon.
* Fixed: When the plugin is translated, the default country does not work.

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raz0r 's signature
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raz0r updated Pie Register Premium with a new update entry:

Pie Register Premium v3.8.1.4 NULLED

*Released Date 7th December 2022*

* Updated: Only administrators can delete invitation codes. (Premium)
* Updated: font-awesome to 6.2.1 version.
* Updated: jQuery.ui to 1.13.2 version.
* Updated: CKeditor to 4.20.1 version.
* Updated: Dropzone to 5.9.3 version. (Premium)
* Fixed: Logout URL in widgets.
* Fixed: Incorrect labeling on the profile search results grid.
* Fixed: Pie Register section on the WooCommerce Checkout form.

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raz0r updated Pie Register Premium with a new update entry:

Pie Register Premium v3.8.2.3 NULLED

*Released Date 2nd February 2023*

* Added: Option to redirect user to the last page they visited.
* Added: Admin can now include a reason for rejecting user verification in the email template.
* Added: Action hook 'piereg_after_update_profile_event' that triggers after the user profile is updated.
* Fixed: License keys activation for Stripe Recurring Payments add-on.
* Fixed: License keys activation for PayPal Subscriptions add-on.
* Fixed: Security vulnerability issues.

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raz0r 's signature
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raz0r updated Pie Register Premium with a new update entry:

Pie Register Premium v3.8.2.5 NULLED

*Released Date 13th March 2023*

* Updated: If a user does not have any attachments, they will not be listed in attachments section. (Premium)
* Updated: Removed the reply restriction section for BbPress Replies.
* Fixed: Replacement keys for email notifications.
* Fixed: Redirect to last visited page after login not working with BbPress.
* Fixed: The maximum number of file uploads should not accept 0. (Premium)
* Fixed: PHP errors.

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