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MultiGig - Service / Gig Selling Freelancing Marketplace (Subscription Based)

NULLED MultiGig - Service / Gig Selling Freelancing Marketplace (Subscription Based) 1.0 NULLED


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

MultiGig - Service / Gig Selling Freelancing Marketplace (Subscription Based) - MultiGig Service / Gig Selling Freelancing Marketplace (Subscription Based) Codecanyon 49995135

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MultiGig NULLED is Freelancer Hiring Marketplace where Seller can purchase pricing plans (monthly / yearly / lifetime / free) to sell their services / gigs.

Sellers can sell package based / quote based services. Sellers / Admin can use service checkout form builder to create forms & use those forms for service checkout page.

MultiGig provides Live Chat for each order for seller & customer conversation. Customers can also raise dispute...

Read more about this resource...
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How to Install MultiGig - Service / Gig Selling Freelancing Marketplace (Subscription Based)​

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Estou com um problema na página de serviços. Ao clicar no serviço, o cliente é redirecionado para o link: https://procurasefreelas.vinnicirne.com.br/service/chip-m2m/3
Isso não abre a página e aparece esse erro.

Alguém pode ajudar a resolver isso?


Estou com um problema na página de serviços. Ao clicar no serviço o cliente é redirecionado para o link: https://procurasefreelas.vinnicirne.com.br/service/chip-m2m/3

Que não abre a página e aparece este erro.

Alguém pode ajudar a resolver?

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Dear @raz0r can you please update the owesome Share :) Thanks


Version 2.0 – Released on 10th April, 2024​

- 9 payment gateways added
- Phonepe
- Midtrans
- iyzico
- Xendit
- toyyibpay
- PayTabs
- myFatoorah
- Yoco
- Perfect Money
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v2.0 nulled please and thank you
Gunstra 's signature
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