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Membership Pro

Membership Pro 4.0.0


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

Membership Pro - Joomla Membership Subscription

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Membership Pro is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use Joomla! membership/subscription extension. It has everything you need to create and sell subscription plans, manage subscriptions and give subscribers access to restricted resources (paid content) on your website.

Sell Subscription Plans​

Create and sell any type of subscription plan to meet your business requirement.
  • Support both free and paid subscription...

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raz0r updated Membership Pro with a new update entry:

Membership Pro v3.1.1

1. Category Improvement

Allows you to setup Emails & Messages for each category and all plans belong to that category will use the configured emails & messages (instead of the global emails & messages). It is useful in case you have different plan categories in the system and each category need it own emails & messages

2. Improve Frontend Subscriptions Management

Added new parameters to frontend subscriptions management to allow limit management subscriptions (through this...

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raz0r updated Membership Pro with a new update entry:

OS Membership Pro v3.2.0 - Joomla Membership Subscription

New version of Membership Pro 3.2.0 with the following improvements and some small bugs fixes:

1. Export Templates
This new feature allows you to have different export subscriptions templates. For each export template, you can control:
- The fields you want to be exported with that template
- The ordering of these fields.

After adding export templates, you can choose to use the export template you want while exporting subscriptions. The subscriptions data will then be...

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raz0r updated Membership Pro with a new update entry:

Membership Pro v3.3.0

New version of Membership Pro 3.3.0 with the following improvements:

1. PHP 8.2 Compatible
- Changes implemented to the extension to make sure it works well with PHP 8.2. So Membership Pro works well with PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2.
- We also updated our Omnipay payment processing library to latest version (Omnipay 3). This libraries is used by some payment plugins. With this update, all payment plugins will compatible with PHP 8 out of the box. Note that if...

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raz0r updated Membership Pro with a new update entry:

OS Membership Pro v3.3.2

New version of Membership Pro 3.3.2 with the following improvements:

1. Added Subscription Control Plugin

This plugin allows expiring subscription from certain plans when subscription for a plan active and subscribe for certain plans when subscription for that plan expired

2. Improve Members List

Added parameter to allow choosing the plans you want to display members from. Now, you can display members from multiple selected plans you want.

3. Improve...

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raz0r updated Membership Pro with a new update entry:

Joomla Membership Pro v3.4.0

Today, I am happy to announce new version of Membership Pro 3.4.0 with the following improvements:

1. Improve Group Membership

In earlier version, the maximum number of group members can be added by group admin to a group membership is a fixed number determined by administrator when setting up the plan. In this version, the maximum number of group members can be a dynamic number, determined by group admin when he subscribes for the plan. Please refer to Group...

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[22-April-2024] Membership Pro Version 3.6.1 Release

Today, I am happy to announce new version of Membership Pro 3.6.1 with the following changes:

1. Compatible with Joomla 5.1

There were some changes in Joomla 5.1.0 which breaks some of payment plugins. We had to update our payment processing library to make sure payment process working well with Joomla 5.1 (and earlier Joomla versions). This is the most important change in this release

2. Added Membership Pro - Delete User Account

This plugin, if enabled, will delete the user account associated to the subscription record when his last subscription records in the system deleted (mean he does not have any subscriptions in the system anymore). Of course the account won't be deleted if it belongs to certain Joomla user groups (like Super Users, Administrator, Editor....). These user groups can be configured in Exclude User Groups parameters in the plugin

3. Minor improvement to Subscription Exported

Added Subscription Type (New Subscription, Subscription Renewal, Subscription Update) to the export

4. Improve Password Validation

Added code to validate minimum length and minimum lower case characters, exactly the same as how it is validated via Joomla user registration

Please update your site to this latest version of Membership Pro to uses these improvements, especially if you are using Joomla 5.1. Thanks for continue using our products and support our development.



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raz0r updated Membership Pro with a new update entry:

Changelog OS Membership Pro 3.6.1

1. Compatible with Joomla 5.1

There were some changes in Joomla 5.1.0 which breaks some of payment plugins. We had to update our payment processing library to make sure payment process working well with Joomla 5.1 (and earlier Joomla versions). This is the most important change in this release

2. Added Membership Pro - Delete User Account

This plugin, if enabled, will delete the user account associated to the subscription record when his last subscription records in the...

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raz0r updated Membership Pro with a new update entry:

OS Membership Pro 4.0.0

Membership Pro, version 4.0.0. Below are the improvements in this release:

1. A Separate Version For Joomla 4 and Joomla 5

- Raise minimum PHP requirement to 7.4.0
- Raise minimum Joomla version requirement to 4.2.0
- Clean up code, remove the code which is needed to support Joomla 3
- Use latest Joomla API available for Joomla 4.2.0+
- Drop Support For Twitter Bootstrap 2 and Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Convert plugins in the extension to use Subscriber Interface (available on...

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[28-October-2024] Membership Pro Version 4.1.0 Releases was created by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Dear customers !

Today, I am happy to announce the next major release of Membership Pro, version 4.1.0. Below are the improvements in this release:

1. Improve Group Membership Plugin

- Allow showing group members in group admin user profile. Edit plugin Membership Pro - Group Membership Plugin, set Show Group Members On Profile Page parameter to Yes if you want to use this feature

2. Improve Frontend Download IDs Management

- Users can now delete Download IDs which they do not use anymore from Downloads IDs management page
- Add menu item parameter to allow hiding Domain column.

3. Added Some Schedule Task Plugins

- Added Task - Membership Pro House Keeping plugin: This plugin provide server tasks:

+ Membership Pro - Delete Old Invoices: This task allows deleting old generated PDF invoices to save server space. Please note that the invoice for each subscription is still kept, only the generated PDF invoice files store on server will be deleted. It will be re-generated when the invoice is downloaded again.
+ Membership Pro - Delete PDF Members Card: This ask allows deleting the old generated PDF Member Cards file to save server space.
+ Membership Pro - Delete Incomplete Payment Subscriptions: This task allows deleting subscription records which payment is failed or users ignored payment after certain number of days
+ Membership Pro - Delete Old Subscriptions: You might want to delete subscription records which are older than certain number of years (for example, 10 years). If that's the case, you can use this task.

- Added Task - Membership Pro Offline Payment Reminder plugin

Enable this plugin allows you to create schedule task to send reminder to use who use offline payment method asks them to complete payment (in case they haven't sent payment for the subscription yet)

4. Improve Backend Subscriptions Management

- Tidy up toolbar buttons by adding buttons into button-groups

5. Updated Payment Plugins

- Updated Stripe and Stripe Checkout Payment Plugins to use latest Stripe API

6. Some small bugs fixes

- Fix some filter dropdowns in backend not being cleared when click on clear/remove icon.
- Fixed typo in Mailchimp plugin

Please update your site to this latest version of Membership Pro to use these improvements. Thanks for continue using our products and support our development


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[18-December-2024] Membership Pro Version 4.1.1 Releases was created by Tuan Pham Ngoc

Dear customers !

Today, I am happy to announce the next major release of Membership Pro, version 4.1.1. This is a patch release which focus on code improvements and some minor changes to the extension. Below are the details:

1. Code Improvement: Use Web Asset Manager

We updated code in the extension to use the new Web Asset Manager API from Joomla to load assets (javascript/css) uses in the extension instead of using old deprecated API. This will make sure the extension continue working well with future releases of Joomla when the deprecated code is being removed.

2. Improved Pricing Table Layout

Show Subscription Length / Duration of the plan next to it's price to provide more clear information to users before they subscribe

3. Improved Membership Pro - PHP Script Plugin

Allow running custom PHP code when subscription record is being updated from Subscriptions Management

4. Added New Task Schedule

A new task schedule is added to allow cleaning/removing email logs which are older than certain number of days

5. Fixed Wrong Coupon Usage Calculation

In earlier version, if someone uses coupon code for their subscription, the times coupon used is updated immediately when subscription form is submitted. If users then did not complete payment for the subscription, the usage statistic is wrong (for example, if you allow coupon code to uses 1 time only, he cannot use that coupon code again even it is not actually used yet). This issue is fixed in this version 4.1.1.