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OS Membership Pro v3.6.1


Well-known member
Member Plus

Membership Pro - Joomla Membership Subscription​

Membership Pro is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use Joomla! membership/subscription extension. It has everything you need to create and sell subscription plans, manage subscriptions and give subscribers access to restricted resources (paid content) on your website.

Version: 3.6.1 Last Updated: Jul 03 2024 Compatible: Joomla 3.9.0+, Joomla 4, Joomla 5

Sell Subscription Plans​

Create and sell any type of subscription plan to meet your business requirement.

  • Support both free and paid subscription plan.
  • Subscription Expiration: After a specified period of time (Days/Weeks/Months/Year) or on a fixed date (example 31-12-2019) - not depends on the sign up date.
  • One time subscription (manual renewal) or recurring subscription (automatic renewal). For recurring subscription plan, you can also set up trial price and trial duration.
  • Trial unique memberships: Once a subscriber used up the trial he can't renew it or subscribe again to the plan.
  • Renew Options to allow subscribers to renew their subscriptions.
  • Upgrade Options to allow subscribers to upgrade/downgrade his subscription to a higher/lower level subscription plan (for example, from Basic to Pro membership)..


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