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NOT NULLED Marketbob - Multi-Vendor Digital Marketplace by Vironeer

can you share it with me, please?
Hi bro, maybe is bug for dekstop browser, I've spoken to @reishi on the other platform

I have installed several times and it is smooth to upload Zip files in android browser ,But when we upload it via a computer browser, it doesn't work, there are errors like the descriptions that people are experiencing
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Hi bro, maybe is bug for dekstop browser, I've spoken to @reishi on the other platform

I have installed several times and it is smooth to upload Zip files in android browser ,But when we upload it via a computer browser, it doesn't work, there are errors like the descriptions that people are experiencing
The solution, if someone buys the script, must contact the developer to update and fix the error
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I have bypassed the license validation if you need DM me on WhatsApp *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Demo:- *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Your demo website also cannot upload zip documents.
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about nulled this script
you can edit file :vironeer/installer/app/Http/Controllers/InstallController.php
92-123 line
    public function licenseAction(Request $request)
        if (empty($request->purchase_code)) {
            return redirect()->back()->withErrors([installer_trans('Purchase code is required')]);
        if (!preg_match("/^([a-f0-9]{8})-(([a-f0-9]{4})-){3}([a-f0-9]{12})$/i", $request->purchase_code)) {
            if (!preg_match("/^([d-u0-9]{10})-(([d-u0-9]{5})-){3}([d-u0-9]{10})$/i", $request->purchase_code)) {
                return redirect()->back()->withErrors([installer_trans('Invalid purchase code')]);
        if (isInLiveServer()) {
            try {
                $response = purchaseCodeValidation($request->purchase_code, config('system.item.alias'));
                if (isset($response->status)) {
                    if ($response->status == "success") {
                        setEnv('SYSTEM_LICENSE_TYPE', $response->data->license_type);
                        setEnv('INSTALL_LICENSE', 1);
                        return redirect()->route('installer.database.details');
                    } elseif ($response->status == "error") {
                        return redirect()->back()->withErrors([$response->message]);
                } else {
                    return redirect()->back()->withErrors([installer_trans('Connection error, please try again later')]);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                return redirect()->back()->withErrors([installer_trans('Connection error, please try again later')]);
        } else {
            setEnv('INSTALL_LICENSE', 1);
            return redirect()->route('installer.database.details');

    public function licenseAction(Request $request)
                        setEnv('SYSTEM_LICENSE_TYPE', '1');
                        setEnv('INSTALL_LICENSE', 1);
                        return redirect()->route('installer.database.details');

and enter any word in install
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Hi bro, maybe is bug for dekstop browser, I've spoken to @reishi on the other platform

I have installed several times and it is smooth to upload Zip files in android browser ,But when we upload it via a computer browser, it doesn't work, there are errors like the descriptions that people are experiencing
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The solution, if someone buys the script, must contact the developer to update and fix the error
Wow... what you said is true. when the desktop browser the zip file cannot be uploaded. but when android browser can upload zip...

Can anyone find out where the error is in the coding of this script?
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please anyone who can solve this. provide the tutorial. thank you good man.
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does not work. when the user tries to upload a zip file a notification appears: "You can't upload files of this type." is there a solution for
The answer is All the Way at the Beginning of this thread, in your first post.

"You can't upload a file of this "TYPE" ie: .zip

Find where you add/enable file types...

Probably in admin, config file(.env) etc... You are looking for the allowed "file extentsions"
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