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Looking for script with commerce and bidding functions


New member
hey guys, quick question. do you guys have any knowledge on scripts that function in auctions/multi-vendor. looking for a platform where people can buy and sell or become seller.
any options i will look into, even if you leave a comment i will be satisfied. a script like catawiki or anything remotely like it. thank in advance!
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searching ofcourse, but i dont see what the problem is in asking. If it bothers you dont respond :)
No man, it wastes ressources and time and forces us to parse through junk for topics worth reading. It is know as Forum Rules. Spam posts like yours ruins forums over time and makes it unusable.

1. Search first ask second.
2. Share and thou shalt recieve
3. Leech and thou shalt perish
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You. You and everyone who doesn't read the rulez and acts like they are owed the moon.
That's my problem.

We want this place clean and organized, not a jumbled mess like the electrics in Muumbai.

You are right it is a forum. You know what it isn't?
It isn't your playground to do whatever TF you want, how you want it.

Any more stupid questions?
Or is the record stuck on the insults?
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You. You and everyone who doesn't read the rulez and acts like they are owed the moon.
That's my problem.

We want this place clean and organized, not a jumbled mess like the electrics in Muumbai.

You are right it is a forum. You know what it isn't?
It isn't your playground to do whatever TF you want, how you want it.

Any more stupid questions?
Or is the record stuck on the insults?
Im just gonna shut me mouth ye?
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