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24 Apr, 2024 Migrated major version of Laravel Framework as 9.x to 10.x version.
We also rewrite the whole application code for API addon works, which is for mobile app.
Fixed: Minor issue fixed as per error log generated.
Fixed: Code confiction fix to make compatitble with Laravel 10.x.
Update: Rewrite code to communicate with AppApi addon.
Update: **Laravel & PHP packages** updated to latest to improve security.
Additional Module & Addon Update
Added: AppApi Addon released for Mobile application.
Fixed: KYC Address required validation issue.
Fixed: Coinbase make payment redirection issue.
Fixed : Default currency issue in CryptoWallet withdraw method.
Update: All the module & addons updated according to v1.5.0 compatible.
Caution: Old addons & modules does not work in v1.5.0 version due to rewrite the main application.