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Image COMPRESSOR & Watermark & WebP & Lazy Load etc. by Sitecreator (OC 1.5, OC2 & 3)

Image COMPRESSOR & Watermark & WebP & Lazy Load etc. by Sitecreator (OC 1.5, OC2 & 3) 3.2.0

Spartan2010 submitted a new resource:

Image COMPRESSOR & Watermark & WebP & Lazy Load etc. by Sitecreator (OC 1.5, OC2 & 3) - WEBP, automatic image creation, background image processing, server load, watermark, image protectio

Allows automatic creation and output of images in WEBP format according to Google's recommendations.

There is a mode for creating WEBP images in the background (via cron), which ensures even server load and prevents page slowdowns during WEBP image creation.

There is a watermark feature with highly customizable settings for position (including rotation), geometric dimensions, and transparency.

It is possible to enable protection of source images (without a watermark) from downloading...

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