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REQUEST I am asking about this apk (i want web traffic apk)


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i am asking about this apk

About I want web traffic​

Applications to work with a Web-site and social networks
The first and unique of its kind app!
To use enough:
- Click on the "Create a task";
- Enter the address and the condition;
- Click on the button "Start".
Cancel the running process, you can press the button "Stop".

I hope if there is nulled Verizon or unlocked mod.

Thank you for helping
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Hi there,
I am a full stack PHP developer and I am curious about this project of your! Please answer these questions:
1. You need the script to run it on your domain Y / N - run it on localhost LAMP install on Windows
2. The program generates traffic to the url you entered in the input field and what are the conditions you mention?
3. The traffic will come from other users in the program ( Y ) or ( N ) the traffic will come from proxy list

Thank you!
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