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it just to stop using the scripts you download here on live site because all the investment script have backdoor to get into your host and change your deposit details and steal all your money
buy the original version and use on your live site before you get your self into trouble
if there is no backdoor in all the HYIP scripts why are people complaining someone is changing deposit page or will deposit page just up and change it self to another person crytpo details ?? i have also seen it happen to someone thats why am saying this with confidence.
who ever nulled the scripts is clever to leave a backdoor that is not easily detectable i havent found it yet someday someone will but untill then i advice all should stay clear off Nulled HYIP scripts or else you put your self in trouble when users send money to a crypto wallet that is not yours
if there is no backdoor in all the HYIP scripts why are people complaining someone is changing deposit page or will deposit page just up and change it self to another person crytpo details ?? i have also seen it happen to someone thats why am saying this with confidence.
It's not a matter of where we found the back door, it is a matter of fact that someone somewhere is changing details on the script. If there is no back door, it means the script doesn't have security to keep out xss coders and hackers