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Goldsvet 1Win Sports Script

Goldsvet 1Win Sports Script 8.5

This user BANNED from NullCave forum!
How to connect games i installed script uploaded games but not working gams my web betace.win
What's the admin url and password of the file please, install here but don't know admin info
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This user BANNED from NullCave forum!
admin : https://betace.win/backend

login : admin

pass : Test123

you want to change admin pass your web ? just change admin pass db : $2a$12$s1RpwEx/oTL3vYQGZjC33eBHECRJb7gkjmAk9Tmyefub7gQ4nh8XS ( Test123 ) , or change any hash ok
Which hosting is it hosted on?
I will like to use such hosting
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I need it's working version if any one have installed demo with admin panel. And all games working than contact me. And we deal through admin
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Hi, the file still works
Another question, can I use the games in an API and use it in a house or just in this one itself?
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Goldsvet Lo último que tengo es instalación gratuita, necesito vps telegram @kevikum
[fusión automática]1714578143[/fusión automática]

Goldsvet Lo último que tengo es instalación gratuita, necesito vps telegram @kevikum
can you help me install it? please
Post automatically merged:

Señor VPS, ahora mi VPS está caído, instalé un panel Ubuntu 22
can you help me install it? please
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  1. Script cassino online 1win goldsvet - fonte - nullcave
    script laravel + php
    mysql database
  2. characteristics

    Specially designed 1win design.
    Advanced admin panel.
    Online or cash payments..
    Cryptographic payments.
    Easy to use.
    It can serve thousands of players with its advanced database.
    Sports betting data is updated and updated automatically with the betsapi bot.
  3. installation

    Dedicated/VDS/VPS/Cloud (not shared hosting)
    OS: Linux Ubuntu 20 or 22
    Disk: minimum 180 GB+ (SSD is recommended but not required)
    Bandwidth: 1TB+

    Set up your server with the following components:
    PHP 7.3
    Laravel 7
    Node.js 16

    • Enforce SSL for the domain.
    • Extract/Clone this repo into public_html folder
    • Enable PHP Extension : Fileinfo, Imagick, Redis
    • Create a new email and set a password.
    • Create a new database and grant full access.
    • Import the SQL file db.sql directory.
    • Ensure SSL is enforced for the domain.
    • Run on terminal under public_html folder : composer install
    • Generate SSL CRT, KEY, and BUNDLE. Copy the contents of your CRT/KEY/BUNDLE to files in the /casino/PTwebsocket/ssl/ folder. Create a new email and password.
    • For file uploads:
      • //**** Additional tip: As it includes demo user accounts, generate a new password hash for existing users and execute the following in phpMyAdmin (replace the hash) https://bcrypt-generator.com/. If you need to hash a new word, for example, run this in phpMyAdmin:
        UPDATE w_users SET password = '$2a$12$s1RpwEx/oTL3vYQGZjC33eBHECRJb7gkjmAk9Tmyefub7gQ4nh8XS';
        // This ensures all users' passwords are set to: Test123 ********///
  4. SSL Instructions
  • Delete any self-signed certificates.
  • Generate or install the Lets Encrypt one if available.
  • Save the text file via notepad or directly as follows:
    • Certificate (CRT) ==> crt.crt
    • Private Key (KEY) --> key.key
  • Go to the folder PTWebSocket/ssl and replace those three files.
  • Edit .env and /config/app.php (URL line 65) for domain, database, user/password, email, and password.

File Edits​

Edit / Socket File Changes in *json files. in folder public

PM2 Commands​

PM2 COMMANDS https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/quick-start/


pm2 start Arcade.js --watch pm2 start Server.js --watch pm2 start Slots.js --watch
OR if you tested before and not expecting errors, all in one command:

pm2 start Arcade.js --watch && pm2 start Server.js --watch && pm2 start Slots.js --watch

pm2 stop all pm2 delete all pm2 flush pm2 logs
All commands on https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/quick-start/

An extra tool called wscat can be used (install via SSH):

wscat -c "wss:// PORT /slots"
Example to make sure you get connected.

Open ports in Firewall: 22154, 22188, 22197 (or whatever you set your Socket file ports to).

Run the site: It should work now if everything was set up correctly.


Minor troubleshooting if your composer/artisan did not run correctly:

php artisan cache:clear && php artisan view:clear && php artisan config:clear && phpartisan event:clear && php artisan route:clear
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  • Like
Reactions: SmartHub
This user BANNED from NullCave forum!
  1. Script cassino online 1win goldsvet - fonte - nullcave
    script laravel + php
    mysql database
  2. characteristics

    Specially designed 1win design.
    Advanced admin panel.
    Online or cash payments..
    Cryptographic payments.
    Easy to use.
    It can serve thousands of players with its advanced database.
    Sports betting data is updated and updated automatically with the betsapi bot.
  3. installation

    Dedicated/VDS/VPS/Cloud (not shared hosting)
    OS: Linux Ubuntu 20 or 22
    Disk: minimum 180 GB+ (SSD is recommended but not required)
    Bandwidth: 1TB+

    Set up your server with the following components:
    PHP 7.3
    Laravel 7
    Node.js 16

    • Enforce SSL for the domain.
    • Extract/Clone this repo into public_html folder
    • Enable PHP Extension : Fileinfo, Imagick, Redis
    • Create a new email and set a password.
    • Create a new database and grant full access.
    • Import the SQL file db.sql directory.
    • Ensure SSL is enforced for the domain.
    • Run on terminal under public_html folder : composer install
    • Generate SSL CRT, KEY, and BUNDLE. Copy the contents of your CRT/KEY/BUNDLE to files in the /casino/PTwebsocket/ssl/ folder. Create a new email and password.
    • For file uploads:
      • //**** Additional tip: As it includes demo user accounts, generate a new password hash for existing users and execute the following in phpMyAdmin (replace the hash) https://bcrypt-generator.com/. If you need to hash a new word, for example, run this in phpMyAdmin:
        UPDATE w_users SET password = '$2a$12$s1RpwEx/oTL3vYQGZjC33eBHECRJb7gkjmAk9Tmyefub7gQ4nh8XS';
        // This ensures all users' passwords are set to: Test123 ********///
  4. SSL Instructions
  • Delete any self-signed certificates.
  • Generate or install the Lets Encrypt one if available.
  • Save the text file via notepad or directly as follows:
    • Certificate (CRT) ==> crt.crt
    • Private Key (KEY) --> key.key
  • Go to the folder PTWebSocket/ssl and replace those three files.
  • Edit .env and /config/app.php (URL line 65) for domain, database, user/password, email, and password.

File Edits​

Edit / Socket File Changes in *json files. in folder public

PM2 Commands​

PM2 COMMANDS https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/quick-start/


pm2 start Arcade.js --watch pm2 start Server.js --watch pm2 start Slots.js --watch
OR if you tested before and not expecting errors, all in one command:

pm2 start Arcade.js --watch && pm2 start Server.js --watch && pm2 start Slots.js --watch

pm2 stop all pm2 delete all pm2 flush pm2 logs
All commands on https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/quick-start/

An extra tool called wscat can be used (install via SSH):

wscat -c "wss:// PORT /slots"
Example to make sure you get connected.

Open ports in Firewall: 22154, 22188, 22197 (or whatever you set your Socket file ports to).

Run the site: It should work now if everything was set up correctly.


Minor troubleshooting if your composer/artisan did not run correctly:

php artisan cache:clear && php artisan view:clear && php artisan config:clear && phpartisan event:clear && php artisan route:clear
Hi, Thanks for the helpful tips. It worked well except the Port allowance in firewall. I am consulting with the server admin to fix that.

But, did you able to customized the blades? It seems the script is using compiled js, so editing blades not working for me.
Any Suggestions?
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game 1 game 2 game 3 setup

how to setup this file
mail file running -
But game 1 game 2 game 3 how to setup
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