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Exertio - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme

Exertio - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme 1.3.1


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

Exertio - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme (Themeforest Item ID: 30602587)

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Freelancing Marketplace Directory WordPress Theme​

Exertio is a premium WordPress Theme that allowed you to create and launch your Freelancing services and project posting marketplace website. You can create a similar Freelance.com, Fiverr, or Upwork portal with a commission-based system. Your users can create Employer and freelancer accounts free of cost within a minute.

Exertio is a fully-featured and super powerful Marketplace...

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raz0r updated Exertio - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Exertio v1.2 - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme

Updates: v 1.2—- November 22th, 2022

1: Notification is now clickable.
2: Different project and service ratings for freelancers in the dashboard were added.

1: proposal description of the special character issue.
2: registration email issue is fixed.
3: Footer also shows on the dashboard.
4: If we add an addon from the backend and apply HTML on it, it will show broken on the front end.
5: When saving a project, on the detail page the color red doesn't work.
6: The map was...

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raz0r updated Exertio - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Exertio v1.2.2 - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme

Updates: v 1.2.2 —- March 13th, 2023
Added :
1) Can dismiss exertio welcome section on admin dashboard
2) Can see the package type in the products column in the dashboard
3) Reject the project for admin approval with an email option
4) Reject service for admin approval with an email option
5) Bump Up services package based on added
6) A portfolio site link field was added for a freelancer
7) Custom project offer (employer can send custom offers to freelancers on their proposals)
8 )...

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raz0r updated Exertio - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Exertio Theme v1.2.6

Updates: v 1.2.6 —- September 13th, 2023

1- The Plugin bulk install issue is fixed.
2- Fixed the order complete issue when shipping is enabled.
3- Translation issue fixed in the SB - Chat plugin.
4- Fixed issue with paid alert.
5- The verification email was not working correctly.
6- Fatal error on activating the SB - Chat plugin
7- All projects created automatically appear in every freelancer' "Saved Projects" section, even when the user is newly created.
8- While posting the...

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