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Event Booking Release - V5.0.2 Retail


New member
1. Added Task - Events Booking House Keeping plugin

This plugin allows you to create schedule tasks to clean up Events Booking database and storage like deleting old invoices, tickets, certificates, remove registration records which use online payment methods but did not process payment...

+ Events Booking - Delete Old Invoices: If you enable invoice feature in Events Booking, for each registration, the system will create a PDF invoice and store in on a folder on server. Creating the schedule task for this task will help removing
these old invoices to save server disk space.
+ Events Booking - Delete PDF Tickets: This allows deleting old PDF tickes to save server disk space.
+ Events Booking - Delete PDF Certificates: This allows deleting old PDF certificates to save server disk space.
+ Events Booking - Delete Incomplete Payment Registrations: This allows removing registration records choose to use online payment methods such as PayPal, Stripe.... but did not complete payment (payment is failed, ignore...) after certain number of days
+ Events Booking - Clean Emails Log: This allows deleting email log records which are older than certain number of days.

2. Improve Full Calendar Menu Item Type

- Added Show Filter Bar parameter. If set to Yes, a filter will be displayed above calendar to allow searching, filtering events by category, location. See how it works on the demo site demo.joomdonation.com/eventsbooking/calendar/calendar-modern

3. SEO Improvements

Added Robots setting for category and event.

4. Other Improvements

- Improve User Registration Integration: Added Use Email As Username config option. If set to Yes, users can use email as username when create a new user account through event registration form

- Added Interval parameter to Improve Advanced Events Slider Module to allow control the auto play interval duration of the slider

- Improve Event Details Page: Display Event Custom Fields on event details page of parent event.

- Added config option to allow controlling invoice page format.

- Allow disable sending ICS file for individual event.

- Improve Events Booking - Webhook plugin: Added parameter to allow sending registrant data to external URL even for offline payment registration which are still Pending.

- Show image preview of the uploaded image file on Registrants Management screen

5. Updated Payment Plugins

- Some payment plugins like SaferPay Json, Stripe, Stripe Checkout were being updated to latetst version of their provided library to make sure it is fully compatible with current PHP versions
- Updated Clover Hosted Checkout payment plugin to only pass address data to Clover if address field is collected on registration form

5. Bugs Fixes:
- Fixed voucher not working due to a bug in 5.0.1
- Fixed sponsor not being displayed on slider layout of Sponsor plugin
- Fixed pagination link not working on search result page (due to some changes in Joomla 5.2.0)


  • event_booking_unzip_first_5.0.2.zip
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