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Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme

Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme 6.3.4

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raz0r updated Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Elessi v5.4.1 - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme

----- 5.4.1 (21 Nov 2023) -----
- NEW: Options List - Archive Product page - Mobile Layout.
- FIXED: Some CSS styles.
- IMPROVED: Theme Option - Interface.
- IMPROVED: Replace some icon-font with SVG.
- IMPROVED: Before, After Tab Title - WPBakery version.
- COMPATIBLE: WPBakery Page Builder 7.2.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 8.3.0.
- COMPATIBLE: WordPress 6.4.1.

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raz0r updated Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme with a new update entry:

Changelog Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme 6.0.2

----- 6.0.2 (31 Dec 2023) -----
- FIXED: Some CSS Style.
- FIXED: Some Issues - Mobile App Simulator.
- FIXED: Break HTML - Loop Product - Elementor editor.
- IMPROVED: Cross-Sell template - You may be interested in ... - Mini Cart Sidebar.
- IMPROVED: Quickview Popup - Lazy Load template.
- IMPROVED: Quickview Sidebar - Lazy Load template.

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