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Droppy - Online file transfer & sharing by Proxibolt

NULLED Droppy - Online file transfer & sharing by Proxibolt 2.6.4 NULLED

raz0r 's signature
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V2.6.3 (4 September, 2024)
- Added extra social media sharing meta tags for improved url details on social media (existing site data is used so no visible changes)
- Changed page editor to different library
- Small textual changes in admin panel
- Added extra checks to upload settings in admin panel
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raz0r 's signature
raz0r updated Droppy - Online file transfer & sharing by Proxibolt with a new update entry:

Droppy 2.6.4 NULLED

V2.6.4 (18 November, 2024)
- Added a max. recipients option to admin panel (Settings -> Upload settings)
- Added an email blocklist option to admin panel (Settings -> Upload settings)
- Added new email placeholder {file_comma_list} for a seperated comma list of the uploaded files
- Fixed possibility to modify redirect urls
- Fixed issue with missing info/error messages in iframe version
- Fixed issue with mysql connection on some servers
- Improvements to downloading performance and...

Read the rest of this update entry...
raz0r 's signature
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Hi, I downloaded Droppy 2.6.4 NULLED and installed it locally. I imported the droppy.sql file using phpMyAdmin. The front end is working, but how do I access the admin panel?
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