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Donation For WooCommerce

Donation For WooCommerce 3.7


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

Donation For WooCommerce - Enables you to add “donation” as a regular WooCommerce product without any efforts to create it.

View attachment 17074Create donation campaigns for your WooCommerce website – Collect charitable donation payments anywhere on your website with Donation for WooCommerce.
Collecting donations on your WooCommerce website is a great way to raise funds for nonprofits, charities, NGOs, clubs, or any other causes. Contrary to popular belief, donation systems are easy to configure and manage, given that you have the right tools and extensions...

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raz0r updated Donation For WooCommerce with a new update entry:

Donation For WooCommerce 3.7

2024-10-09 - Version 3.7
* new - Campaign Categories.
* new - Campaign Description & Short Description.
* new - Option to make a campaign featured.
* new - Add new block for all campaigns.
* new - Add new block for specifically for featured campaigns.
* new - Add coloum for recurring in reports.
* new - Add filter to make credit card processing fees required.
* new - Add loader animation when donate button is clicked.
* new - Social Share bar options.
* new - Campaign Timer Display...

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