DirectDemocracyS is an international, continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, and local political organization born to change, and improve the world.
It is innovative, and an alternative to all politics, based on logic, common sense, and the mutual respect of all people.
It puts into practice authentic democracy, complete freedom, the dissemination of the truth, research, science, culture, study, and independent information.
It bases all its activities on equality and meritocracy, continuous over time, in which at the center of everything is the power of the population, and of its electors, who by becoming official members become the owners of the whole political organization, our website where we all work together, and everything we do.
One of the strengths of DirectDemocracyS is unity in diversity.
A feature that makes it unique is that its voters control and manage both DirectDemocracyS and their political representatives before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections. Total and continuous control thanks to rules and a very detailed method which prevents any type of problem. Thanks to groups of specialists, its users will always choose, in an informed way, with all the possibilities, and all the possible consequences, for each decision taken. With this method, the best Laws will be promulgated for the good of the whole population.
There are no leaders, but only people who work individually and in groups, in a coordinated way, in which the motto is put into practice: one for all, all for one.
There are no internal struggles for power, and DirectDemocracyS always separates the management of the political organization, from the political representation, in the institutions.
It has a unique, politically perfect ideology that takes the few positive parts of the old politics, completely eliminating any negative part.
It represents the only credible and functioning alternative for those who do not recognize themselves in any political force, or in any political representative, of the other political forces, but also for those who are disappointed by political parties and political representatives, of which they trusted in the past.
Every person can join DirectDemocracyS, only and exclusively, on our website, which is our only home, where we all work together.
To join us, there are only 3 conditions, in this order: 1 to contribute a minimum amount, a few euros a year, to guarantee independence, financial and economic tranquility, to reward the best members, and to have the necessary technological means, but also to prevent attempts to boycott, slow down, and stop our activities. 2 be a user with verified identity, to allow us to be authentic, and to prevent multiple registrations. 3 work with us, for at least 20 minutes a day, even in various accesses, of variable duration, or, at least 120 minutes a week, even in various days, and various accesses, with a variable duration. The world doesn't change, and it doesn't improve by itself, but everyone's commitment and work are needed.
Our website, equipped with the best and most innovative security measures, has a public area, which can be viewed for free, and without any commitment, in English, but thanks to our translation module, you can set your own favorite language. We have a Blog, in various languages, with some of our articles, translated into the main languages of the world. In the areas reserved for our users, and for our members, there are all our activities, even in all languages.
To join us, you must carefully study all of our information, and carefully follow, all of our instructions. You just have to choose a username, a secure password, and have a personal email address.
DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, alternative, truly in every sense!
DirectDemocracyS Website
It is innovative, and an alternative to all politics, based on logic, common sense, and the mutual respect of all people.
It puts into practice authentic democracy, complete freedom, the dissemination of the truth, research, science, culture, study, and independent information.
It bases all its activities on equality and meritocracy, continuous over time, in which at the center of everything is the power of the population, and of its electors, who by becoming official members become the owners of the whole political organization, our website where we all work together, and everything we do.
One of the strengths of DirectDemocracyS is unity in diversity.
A feature that makes it unique is that its voters control and manage both DirectDemocracyS and their political representatives before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections. Total and continuous control thanks to rules and a very detailed method which prevents any type of problem. Thanks to groups of specialists, its users will always choose, in an informed way, with all the possibilities, and all the possible consequences, for each decision taken. With this method, the best Laws will be promulgated for the good of the whole population.
There are no leaders, but only people who work individually and in groups, in a coordinated way, in which the motto is put into practice: one for all, all for one.
There are no internal struggles for power, and DirectDemocracyS always separates the management of the political organization, from the political representation, in the institutions.
It has a unique, politically perfect ideology that takes the few positive parts of the old politics, completely eliminating any negative part.
It represents the only credible and functioning alternative for those who do not recognize themselves in any political force, or in any political representative, of the other political forces, but also for those who are disappointed by political parties and political representatives, of which they trusted in the past.
Every person can join DirectDemocracyS, only and exclusively, on our website, which is our only home, where we all work together.
To join us, there are only 3 conditions, in this order: 1 to contribute a minimum amount, a few euros a year, to guarantee independence, financial and economic tranquility, to reward the best members, and to have the necessary technological means, but also to prevent attempts to boycott, slow down, and stop our activities. 2 be a user with verified identity, to allow us to be authentic, and to prevent multiple registrations. 3 work with us, for at least 20 minutes a day, even in various accesses, of variable duration, or, at least 120 minutes a week, even in various days, and various accesses, with a variable duration. The world doesn't change, and it doesn't improve by itself, but everyone's commitment and work are needed.
Our website, equipped with the best and most innovative security measures, has a public area, which can be viewed for free, and without any commitment, in English, but thanks to our translation module, you can set your own favorite language. We have a Blog, in various languages, with some of our articles, translated into the main languages of the world. In the areas reserved for our users, and for our members, there are all our activities, even in all languages.
To join us, you must carefully study all of our information, and carefully follow, all of our instructions. You just have to choose a username, a secure password, and have a personal email address.
DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, alternative, truly in every sense!

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