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Dependent Custom Fields For All v1.5.0


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Member Plus


Custom Fields For All​

Custom fields with dependencies​

Create dependent custom fields that load progressively.
Or set internal dependencies useful for products filtering.
All with a few clicks.


  • dependent custom fields example country city

    Dynamic Dependencies​

    Dependent custom fields that load progressively, based on the user selections.
  • dependent custom fields example make model year

    Static/Internal Dependencies​

    What if your products are compatible with multiple attributes, related between them (e.g. "Make>Model>Year") ?
    Then you need a mechanism to define the relationships between those custom fields.
    By doing that, your products can be filtered and the filtering system is able to identify those relationships.
  • dependent custom fields admin product assignment

    Fast creation and assignment process​

    Just select the values of the last level custom field and all the others will be automatically propagated.
    In a "Make>Model>Year" example, you just have to assign the "Year" (last level) in your products. All the rest (Make and Model) will be auto-assigned.
  • multilingual


    No more pain on translating your custom fields.
    Translate, when you create them.
  • customfields to filters

    Use your custom fields for Filtering​

    Filter your products with the Custom Filters extension.

    The filtering extension can recognize the dependencies between the custom fields and load only the relevant values after a selection. For example, it will return only the relevant car models, after selecting a car brand.

More Features

  • Fields can be set as "required". In this case the user is prompted to select an option if the field is empty. Otherwise he cannot add the product to the cart.
  • Manage all the existing custom field values from 1 point, without having to visit each product to modify a common used value.
  • Designed to work efficiently with big amount of data.


  • pkg_dependentcustomfieldsforall_1.5.0.zip
    146.9 KB · Views: 5
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