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DaVinci AI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Voice, Chat, Code, Transcript, and Video Generator as SaaS

NULLED DaVinci AI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Voice, Chat, Code, Transcript, and Video Generator as SaaS 7.0 NULLED

raz0r updated OpenAI Davinci - AI Writing Assistant & Content Creator Php SaaS with a new update entry:

OpenAI Davinci 4.7 NULLED Extended


25.03.2024 - v4.7
- New: Cloudflare R2 cloud storage feature added
- New: Internet access to Templates feature added
- Update: AI Video is set to use only SD image credits
- Update: Prepaid plans support for separate Dalle and SD images added
- Update: Ai Wizard and Chat Image updated to support proper credits based on Dalle and SD engine...

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raz0r 's signature
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This user BANNED
Awesome script 😊 I’m trying to install 🐸
Kabir 's signature
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Please make version 4.8 available, Please

08.04.2024 - v4.8
- New: Subscribe upon first registration feature added
- New: Direct subscription plan upgrade feature added
- New: Newsletter feature added
- New: ReTrain/Improve existing Voice Clone feature added
- New: Email Templates features added
- New: Admin notifications for payment transactions option added
- New: Bank Transfer payment confirmation upload option added
- New: Stable Diffusion XL 2.2.2 Beta model added
- Update: Performance and loadtime improvements
- Update: User Custom Chat Assistants personal API key usage improved
- Update: User Custom Templates personal API key usage improved
- Update: Voice clone deletion option added
- Update: Updated and improved email verification system
- Update: User notifications for payment transactions feature updated
- Update: Payment Checkout page updated
- Update: Subscription plans page updated
- Update: Support ticket email notification system improved
- Fix: Bank transfer dalle/sd image approval issue fixed
- Fix: Team member creation issue fixed
- Fix: Prepaid plan dalle/sd image credit adding issue fixed
- Fix: Mobile top menu issue on Android devices fixed
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raz0r updated OpenAI Davinci - AI Writing Assistant & Content Creator Php SaaS with a new update entry:

OpenAI Davinci 5.1 NULLED Extended


05.05.2024 - v5.1
- New: Openai Custom Chatbot Assistant v2 with native vector search capabilities added
- New: Adding files for custom chatbot assistant v2 at run time option added
- Update: Admin user view details page updated
- Update: User default model setting updated with Gemini Pro model
- Fix: Added missing words to the language file

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Hello friends, In this version (new installation) there is an infinite loading bug when making a message request in All Davinci categories, such as AI Chat Assistants:

Now at: AI Writer -> Article Generator

When you click on the Generate button nothing happens (I also tested with the Gemini API)

  • Yes, my Davinci admin account has Words 100,000 in GPT 3.5.
  • I have already tested with another active OpenAI API
  • I already opened it in another browser

Can anyone resolve this bug in this version?
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raz0r updated DaVinci AI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Voice, Chat, Code, Transcript, and Video Generator as SaaS with a new update entry:

DaVinci AI 5.3 NULLED Extended


02.06.2024 - v5.3
- New: RestAPI added
- Update: User profile page credits view updated
- Update: AI Chat credit view improved
- Update: Chat/Template credit dynamically changed based on selected models
- Update: Frontend pricing plan tables updated
- Update: Default application model (GPT 3.5 Turbo) is removed and can be set by the...

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raz0r updated DaVinci AI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Voice, Chat, Code, Transcript, and Video Generator as SaaS with a new update entry:

DaVinci AI 5.6 NULLED Extended


01.07.2024 - v5.6
- New: Stable Diffusion Ultra added
- New: Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet added
- Update: Custom Chat Assistant custom category alignment improved
- Update: Custom Chat Assistant view in the groups improved

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raz0r 's signature
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Password please i don't have 3 resources. what is this how to solve this? razor please give me the password.
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