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[CSS Scan] Visual CSS editor (chrome extention)

NULLED [CSS Scan] Visual CSS editor (chrome extention) 4.0.4

Hi Dear @Green7

Can you please update to the latest Version 4.3.7



👩‍🔬 More accurate CSS code​

Better than ever, the generated CSS code when copying and inspecting elements is now more precise.


🌟 Better conversion to Tailwind CSS!​

The Tailwind converter is now more accurate.
To give it a try, turn on Options > Other copying preferences > Convert copied CSS to Tailwind CSS, and also choose: HTML Code > Copy it (to copy the HTML with Tailwind's utility classes).


🐞 Bug fixes​

I've fixed 3 bugs. Thanks to Eric for reporting some. Enjoy a more stable tool!
💖 Thanks for supporting my work!
GGuilhermeOctober 9



🐞 Bug fixes​

I've fixed 2 bugs; thanks to Martin and Rob for reporting them. Enjoy a more stable tool!
💖 Thanks for supporting my work!
GGuilhermeSeptember 5



👁️ Accessibility checks​

Now you can check WCAG accessibility compliance with CSS Scan.
This is optional. To turn it on: Options > Display > Accessibility checks.


🐞 Bug fixes​

I've fixed 1 bug, thanks to Ian for reporting it. Enjoy a more stable tool!
💖 Thanks for supporting my work!
GGuilhermeAugust 21



🦎 Copy CSS variables​

CSS Scan now copies CSS variables (their declarations and uses). It also renders CSS variables more robustly (when inspecting).


👩‍🔬 Much more accurate CSS code​

Better than ever, the generated CSS code when copying and inspecting elements is now more precise.
CSS Scan should perfectly export most of the web's elements when using Options > Copying preferences for CSS selectors > Copy original selectors.


🌟 Better conversion to Tailwind CSS!​

The Tailwind converter is now more accurate.
Convert thousands of elements from regular CSS to Tailwind CSS in a single click.
To give it a try, turn on Options > Other copying preferences > Convert copied CSS to Tailwind CSS, and also choose: HTML Code > Copy it (to copy the HTML with Tailwind's utility classes).


🐞 Bug fixes​

I've fixed other 2 bugs. Enjoy a more stable tool!
💖 Thanks for supporting my work!
GGuilhermeAugust 2



✨ Copy fonts​

Now there's an option to copy/export custom fonts (@font-faces) that are being used by elements you're copying/exporting, along with their CSS code.
To turn it on: Options > Other copying preferences > Copy fonts.


👩‍🔬 Much more accurate CSS code​

Better than ever, the generated CSS code when copying and inspecting elements is now more precise.
CSS Scan should perfectly export most of the web's elements when using Options > Copying preferences for CSS selectors > Copy original selectors.


🙏 Fixed all CSS conflicts with the extension's CSS and websites' CSS​

Previously on some websites, the CSS Scan interface would be corrupted and appear broken. That's now fixed as I've isolated the interface in a way that the website being inspected doesn't affect it.


🌟 Better conversion to Tailwind CSS!​

The Tailwind converter is now more accurate.
Convert thousands of elements from regular CSS to Tailwind CSS in a single click.
To give it a try, turn on Options > Other copying preferences > Convert copied CSS to Tailwind CSS, and also choose: HTML Code > Copy it (to copy the HTML with Tailwind's utility classes).


🐞 Bug fixes​

I've fixed other 3 bugs. Enjoy a more stable tool!
💖 Thanks for supporting my work!
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