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i saw it, it is queued @like 29th, not on my radar yet.
Someone parse it and find the licenae and I'll provide assist.
Otherwise, it will be ar least a month.
Nullcave Team Null effort.
Learn by doing.
Or split it up, someone clean the callbacks abd backlinks, others go after the branding.
Touchback, zip, share.
HI I am new to this community and would like tog et their latest version for this app and their is no restriction and requirement of key license correct ? Thanks
Guys! Do you know 6ammart's Login and Sign-up for OTP are not good? there is no OTP when you sign up or log in. We need to think of fixing OTP or writing code! is there anyone that does anyone here know how to fix OTP or what to do? Please help! How to add OTP to 6ammart and 6valley.