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CiyaShop Native Android Application based on WooCommerce Premium

CiyaShop Native Android Application based on WooCommerce Premium 5.13


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

CiyaShop Native Android Application based on WooCommerce - CiyaShop Native Android Application based on WooCommerce \ 22375882

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CiyaShop Native Android Application​

CiyaShop Android application is working with all different Woo-commerce theme available in the market. CiyaShop Android application configured with the most popular Themes like Wood-mart, Flat-some, Xstore, Avada, Enfold, Electro, Porto, CiyaShop, and more than 40 Woo-commerce Themes. Not only the themes, but it also works with a different payment gateway like Paypal, RazarPay, PayuIndia, Google Pay...

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raz0r updated CiyaShop Native Android Application based on WooCommerce with a new update entry:

CiyaShop Native Android Application based on WooCommerce v5.9

VERSION 5.9 [9TH NOV 2022]​

- Change compile and target sdkversion from 30 to 33 to support target version 12 or newer.
- Updated incompatible library with targeted sdk version(firebase libraries,glide,one signal)
- Added exported flag in “Andoridmanifest” file in activity services meta tag and broadcast reciever.

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