The default language of any content posted is English. Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked! For more information about rules, limits, and more, visit the
Help page.
BugFixed bug related to automations of message type while registration is active.
BugFixed bug related to users search in the admin area.
BugFixed bug related to receiving medias from MMS.
BugFixed bug related to the registration form.
BugFixed bug related to card and slider rich messages.
BugFixed various bugs related to article translations.
New featureAdded the following newsletter integrations: SendFox.
New featureAdded new automation conditions. Distruption: you must update your automations.
New featureAdded support for OpenAI function calling in Q&A. Distruption: you must move your functions to the Q&A area.
New featureAdded Filipino language.
InfoThe subscribe message has been removed, use the follow-up message from now on. Distruption: you must update the follow up message if you were using the subscribe one.
InfoThe setting OpenAI > Function calling has been removed.