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Chat - Support Board - PHP Chat GPT AI Application (SAAS) with admin panel

NULLED Chat - Support Board - PHP Chat GPT AI Application (SAAS) with admin panel V 3.7.6

its simple to null try this

go to => supportboard\includes\function.php
line number 1519

function sb_verification_cookie($code, $domain) {
    if ($code == 'auto') $code = sb_get_setting('en' . 'vato-purc' . 'hase-code');
    if (empty($code)) return [false, ''];
    $response = sb_get('https://board.support/synch/verification.php?verification&code=' . $code . '&domain=' . $domain);
    if ($response == 'verification-success') {
        return [true, password_hash('VGCKME' . 'NS', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)];
    return [false, sb_string_slug($response, 'string')];

with this code
function sb_verification_cookie($code, $domain) {
    return [true, password_hash('VGCKME' . 'NS', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)];
it is unavailable, Is there any other way?
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Chat - Support Board - Chat - OpenAI Chatbot - PHP v3.6.8​

Not nulled. Who can null?


  • SupportBoard-V3.6.8.zip
    4 MB · Views: 24
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raz0r updated Chat - Support Board - PHP Chat GPT AI Application with a new update entry:

Chat - Support Board - Chat - OpenAI Chatbot - PHP 3.6.8 NULLED

31/01/2024 | Support Board | V 3.6.8
  • Bug Fixed bug related to departments filter for agents.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to Push notifications on iOS devices.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to red notifications.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to issues with audio recording on Safari.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to queue and routing.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to RTL design.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to duplicated or missing attachments when receiving multiple attachments at the same time.
  • Bug...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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After this update, Perfex crm chat application broke. The site crashes when switching to Ukrainian, Catalan and French. Has anyone experienced this?
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I want to buy the saas version for 499 usd, does anyone want to help me buy it and I can share the code with anyone who can help?

We could do crowdfunding and get together and buy
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I want to buy the saas version for 499 usd, does anyone want to help me buy it and I can share the code with anyone who can help?

We could do crowdfunding and get together and buy
you don't get the cloud version code, it's a hosted saas that's why you share % from what you earn with them, there are good opensource mit licence out there you can saas if you want
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Bro I already have 199$ extended license

For SaaS need to pay more 300$

If you are ready then tell me
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you don't get the cloud version code, it's a hosted saas that's why you share % from what you earn with them, there are good opensource mit licence out there you can saas if you want
You get if you buy $500 extended license

I have old license which cost 199$ but for SaaS need to pay 300$ extra

If anyone interested then tell me so we will do crowdfunding

Proof : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1anfz7w-9LaMEIMPEHyq3ItNUw1_zPZS1/view?usp=drivesdk
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This user BANNED from NullCave forum!
the 499 version doesn't need 10% and they deliver the complete code, see https://board.support/saas

As for the 199 version, they host the code on their server and you have to pay 10% for each sale. If you read the conversations in their product discussion, someone asked and they explained this
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