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Belloo - Complete Social Dating Software Php System

NULLED Belloo - Complete Social Dating Software Php System NULLED

I installed it normally under my vps, and it works normally. If you can't install it, please check your environment requirements. I don't think plesk or cpanel can meet all environment requirements, so you may need a vps with permission or The server can work better.
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raz0r 's signature
@reishi Can you please help me?
I have installed the script successfully. but its giving 400 error in login/signup page.



i am using Plesk server, are there any changes that need to be done in .htaccess file ?
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i found this in the documentation :
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my plesk directory is this 1680580398501.png

what should i change in .htaccess to fix it ?
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Hey when i try to enter the random code, its not working, kindly help me to solve the issue please. 1685166716516.png
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all the admins are such a madafakas, they do not respond
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Hello! As in the last update, the downloadable file does not include the patch folder, I looked for it in previous updates and one of them was the one I installed on my server, and at least I managed to get past the activation issue

The problem now is that I can't get past Database Installer, write what I write, it won't let me continue!

Any solution that you can comment on?
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It appears to me that I must fill in all the fields but they all have the information that is needed
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