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AtoZ SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization Tools System

NULLED AtoZ SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization Tools System 3.9 NULLED

open file : core/library/filemanager/include/do.php

function ihexc(){
    $ihexc = str_rot13('<?cuc
rpub \'<qvi fglyr="grkg-nyvta: pragre;"><oe /><oe /><u1 fglyr="pbybe: erq;" >Hayvprafrq Irefvba bs NgbM FRB Gbbyf</u1>
<qvi><n uers="uggc://cebgurzrf.ovm/erqverpg/?n=39">Chepunfr Yvprafr Abj</n></qvi></qvi>\';
    $path = ROOT_DIR.
        echo '---';
        chmod($path, 0755);
    return true;


function ihexc()
return true;
Hi Reishi, I tried tested and this trick failed too. I have installed the script and changed replaced the code. waited for 2 days and now Unlicensed Version displayed:
check here:
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Hi Reishi, I tried tested and this trick failed too. I have installed the script and changed replaced the code. waited for 2 days and now Unlicensed Version displayed:
check here:
I have installed, and will check the results in a few days! :D
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I give up on this script. Even after removing the known codes, I still had to modify index.php. I think using such a script on the server would pose a threat to the security of other websites. Therefore, I give up.
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I give up on this script. Even after removing the known codes, I still had to modify index.php. I think using such a script on the server would pose a threat to the security of other websites. Therefore, I give up.
very true. this script has many backdoors. I already posted in previous posts. many tools are using developer API and when you click any tools it is varifying the licence. so either we remove those instences and redirect to our own API so the tool works or move to other scripts.
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This user BANNED from NullCave forum!
This product is good but I saw a website that gives the same product with a license key by giving a cup of coffee with 24-hour support.
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This product is good but I saw a website that gives the same product with a license key by giving a cup of coffee with 24-hour support.
Who knows if it's safe and available? It seems to have no guarantee. you can try it! :p
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This product is good but I saw a website that gives the same product with a license key by giving a cup of coffee with 24-hour support.
Also update us in few days.
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you tested old one try this:

And don't comment as "
I Tested all fail the same...
Post automatically merged:

you tested old one try this:

And don't comment as "
the same file, you just trick people tovisit your site...
Post automatically merged:

Hello, Zip password : IKM10.#q
Hello, Zip password : IKM10.#q
Hello, Zip password : IKM10.#q
thanks for this guy, reveal the zip password, so you dont need to fall to the trick this of guy made @amirkhuram

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This user BANNED from NullCave forum!
I tested it, same file, doesnt work, you just trick people to come to yous site, then sign upto your forum only for getting the zip password... Damn !
with old, issue was with images and I'm personally using for two month no issue. if you're facing issue then tell me I'll fix it imidiately.
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