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QUESTION Anyone have resources to teach how to null?


NullCave Friend
NullCave Donater
Anyone have any resources I can use to learn how to null? I have 50 items purchased from code canyon not here? Anyways and free source to teach me about coding, scripts etc... I'm in.

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I use WinMerge (free), and FileSeek (also offers a free version, used to search for strings in files & folders).
But you need coding basics (like PHP for most case).
and Yes, like @Techrad said, compare between 2 files (untouched & nulled), it will give you some basic knowledge of how nullifying works.
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There is a very simple method.

Method 1
Download and install Araxis Merge & Compare
Download a retail source
Download the nulled source
Load into Araxis and Compare.both versions
Examine all the differences in the code

Method 2
learn to code
Thanks a lot now I have a starting point as I had no clue!
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I use WinMerge (free), and FileSeek (also offers a free version, used to search for strings in files & folders).
But you need coding basics (like PHP for most case).
and Yes, like @Techrad said, compare between 2 files (untouched & nulled), it will give you some basic knowledge of how nullifying works.
Thank you so much!
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nulling is individual for all pieces oft software. So just learn how to code.
Thank you!!!!
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Hi, there is no any resource to learn you how to interact with each line of code that's written by expect, it's a though job for you, if you need to need your item, I can help you, but I will take a copy of your item.

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Hi, there is no any resource to learn you how to interact with each line of code that's written by expect, it's a though job for you, if you need to need your item, I can help you, but I will take a copy of your item.

He don't want to know, how one specific item could be nulled, he wants to learn to null.
And basically thats nothing "special" you could learn. If you can code, you can null. So learn how to code.

You need a deep knowlegde of coding and must be able to read and understand code very easy and fast, just with a short look. For me, most of the time I am just scrolling through the code and already know, what it does without actually reading every single line. And also nulling gets more easy with some years of practical experience.
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He don't want to know, how one specific item could be nulled, he wants to learn to null.
And basically thats nothing "special" you could learn. If you can code, you can null. So learn how to code.

You need a deep knowlegde of coding and must be able to read and understand code very easy and fast, just with a short look. For me, most of the time I am just scrolling through the code and already know, what it does without actually reading every single line. And also nulling gets more easy with some years of practical experience.
Thank you for sharing, I am working on learning it.
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So can someone help me null a software step by step, so I can learn too . I have the code source, but don't know how to do, Thanks
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So can someone help me null a software step by step, so I can learn too . I have the code source, but don't know how to do, Thanks
The #1 most useful tools to know and understand is the browser console (dev tools), second and not least is knowing how to manipulate your hosts file.

If you read the comments above, there is No step by step. Each script is different (some similar). With coding experience, learning and reading it becomes easier.
Follow some of the instructions above, play around with some scripts and when you get stuck, make a post about it.

We recsntly had 2 excellent new ressources from a novice coder, that nobody ever had before. He started the process, asked for help, found a way and madenit happen. He went from zero to expert javascript nuller in 24 hrs....

Help yourself, get things started and the community will help, when the time comes.

You are looking for licensing information and how it works
You are looking for backlinks (starts with http)
You want to cancel auto-update and other callbacks (starts with http)

Some developpers will put a blind (hidden) pixel image somewhere (usually during install) that calls back to their server. This lets them know someone installed their software and other usefull info such as Server IP, Browser and desktop info, etc... You want to find it and remove it.

Some scripts automatically check for updates, same as above , it gives away server info to the dev. You want to disable this functionality.

Some developpers have hidden code (encoded or ibfuscated) that only runs when it detects a nulled or invalid license. This can bring havoc, the hidden code can do anything, but mostly they wipe your DB (irrevokably). Discover and decode (or deobfuscate) all hidden code to check for maljcious intent.

Licenses (once found) cannoften be null with a simple return true; or php continue;

The meat of nulling a script is not bypassing the license, this is often achieved easily. The real game is finding all the ways the developper tries to know about you, your server and your installation. Often installing a nulled triggers a backdoor, or sends phpmail emails out with install information, you have to find and prevent it.

Nulled scripts (unless they professionally nulled or cracked) will always leak information to the developper. Nulled scripts are not for commercial use. They are to Try Before You Buy. They are for reverse engineering research and learning. Not for making money from other peoples work.

^this lesson is lost on most people. 95% of nullcavd users downlaod and install scripts to use commercially, that is why very little effort is put into removing callbacks and backlinks by nullerz. Every nulled script on nullcave or elsewhere is very dangerous to use. Never use nulled scripts commercially. Ever. You will get caught, you will get sued, you will lose a lot more than the price of an Envato subscrition, don't be stupid.

GreyHat not BlackHat

We do this for lulz, open source activism and to keep current in "best practises".
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Yeah I only purchase scripts for my businesses. I like nulled scripts as I am able to test before I buy. I actually have a conscious.
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By me testing them as I realize now helps save me from wasting money before actually seeing the flaws of the script. Just about every script I have purchased had issues except a few and never had issues but the bulk are filled with bugs or missing stuff. Like I bought the code script from viserlab and in the display everything was there in the demo but when I bought it it was. He had to build the follow button, had to fix the like button and other stuff that was displayed in the demo but wasn't for the live purchased scripts. :rolleyes:
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The #1 most useful tools to know and understand is the browser console (dev tools), second and not least is knowing how to manipulate your hosts file.

If you read the comments above, there is No step by step. Each script is different (some similar). With coding experience, learning and reading it becomes easier.
Follow some of the instructions above, play around with some scripts and when you get stuck, make a post about it.

We recsntly had 2 excellent new ressources from a novice coder, that nobody ever had before. He started the process, asked for help, found a way and madenit happen. He went from zero to expert javascript nuller in 24 hrs....

Help yourself, get things started and the community will help, when the time comes.

You are looking for licensing information and how it works
You are looking for backlinks (starts with http)
You want to cancel auto-update and other callbacks (starts with http)

Some developpers will put a blind (hidden) pixel image somewhere (usually during install) that calls back to their server. This lets them know someone installed their software and other usefull info such as Server IP, Browser and desktop info, etc... You want to find it and remove it.

Some scripts automatically check for updates, same as above , it gives away server info to the dev. You want to disable this functionality.

Some developpers have hidden code (encoded or ibfuscated) that only runs when it detects a nulled or invalid license. This can bring havoc, the hidden code can do anything, but mostly they wipe your DB (irrevokably). Discover and decode (or deobfuscate) all hidden code to check for maljcious intent.

Licenses (once found) cannoften be null with a simple return true; or php continue;

The meat of nulling a script is not bypassing the license, this is often achieved easily. The real game is finding all the ways the developper tries to know about you, your server and your installation. Often installing a nulled triggers a backdoor, or sends phpmail emails out with install information, you have to find and prevent it.

Nulled scripts (unless they professionally nulled or cracked) will always leak information to the developper. Nulled scripts are not for commercial use. They are to Try Before You Buy. They are for reverse engineering research and learning. Not for making money from other peoples work.

^this lesson is lost on most people. 95% of nullcavd users downlaod and install scripts to use commercially, that is why very little effort is put into removing callbacks and backlinks by nullerz. Every nulled script on nullcave or elsewhere is very dangerous to use. Never use nulled scripts commercially. Ever. You will get caught, you will get sued, you will lose a lot more than the price of an Envato subscrition, don't be stupid.

GreyHat not BlackHat

We do this for lulz, open source activism and to keep current in "best practises".
Wow, thanks for the come back; I like it . Very instructuive and encourage me to continue . I will take you advices carefully and doing according what you have told me. I will be back soon to you with what I've accomplish. Thanks so much. Big up .
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I use WinMerge (free), and FileSeek (also offers a free version, used to search for strings in files & folders).
But you need coding basics (like PHP for most case).
and Yes, like @Techrad said, compare between 2 files (untouched & nulled), it will give you some basic knowledge of how nullifying works.
how about for resource that never try a nulled version? I mean a first try
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