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Advanced Themer for Bricks

Advanced Themer for Bricks 3.0.5

raz0r updated Advanced Themer for Bricks with a new update entry:

Advanced Themer for Bricks 2.9.1

= 2.9.1 ( OCT 17, 2024 )
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: Added suggestion dropdown for SCSS files
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: Added Beautify CSS for SCSS files
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: Manage your own recipes
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: New PHP filter to add your custom recipes
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: Full ACSS recipes integration
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: Introducing Community Recipes
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: Sass code in Elements and Global Classes get recompiled in the builder on save

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raz0r updated Advanced Themer for Bricks with a new update entry:

Advanced Themer for Bricks

= ( OCT 22, 2024 )
* IMPROVE: Hide element on builder & frontend have now 2 different colors inside the structure panel
* FIX: Advanced CSS: Toggling a stylesheet status could reset the content
* FIX: Advanced CSS: Toggling a partial status could set the content as "false"
* FIX: Advanced CSS: Partials weren't sharing variables from other partials, resulting in potential errors when compiling
* FIX: Advanced CSS: The status toggle was too big in sidebar view - the tooltip was...

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Hi! Would it be possible to update to version 2.10? Thank you!!!
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raz0r updated Advanced Themer for Bricks with a new update entry:

Advanced Themer for Bricks 3.0

= 3.0 ( JAN 27, 2025 )
* NEW: Page Transitions (Experimental)
* NEW: Quick Remote Templates
* NEW: Leverage AI to improve any elements custom CSS
* NEW: AI Prompt Manager
* NEW: Focus mode
* NEW: Zoom-Out
* NEW: Color Variables Picker
* NEW: Logical Properties controls
* NEW: 2 New Elements: Nestable Darkmode Button & Toggle
* NEW: Lock Elements Order
* NEW: Modified Mode
* NEW: Extract Variables as Global Variables
* NEW: Link Spacing Controls by Default
* NEW: Remove Default...

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raz0r updated Advanced Themer for Bricks with a new update entry:

Advanced Themer for Bricks 3.0.1

= 3.0.1 ( JAN 28, 2025 )
* FIX: Confirmation import/export popup wasn't displayed "fixed" on page
* FIX: Importing the Theme Settings would create duplicated entries within the confirmation popup
* FIX: FATAL error in the AJAX response when importing the Strict Editor options
* FIX: darkmode-local-storage.js was enqueued even when global colors or the darkmode on the frontend were disabled
* FIX: The right element shortcuts could generate a js error when no element was selected

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raz0r updated Advanced Themer for Bricks with a new update entry:

Advanced Themer for Bricks 3.0.2

= 3.0.2 ( JAN 31, 2025 )
* NEW: Filterable Structure Panel
* IMPROVE: Hide/Remove Element: new floating bar on the bottom of the Structure Panel
* IMPROVE: Remove Default Libraries for Icons: now SVG is selected by default.
* IMPROVE: Closing the Color Picker would leave the default Bricks color popup open.
* IMPROVE: Quick Search: filter the structure by content keyword.
* IMPROVE: Quick Search: filter the structure by global class name attached to the elemenets.

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raz0r updated Advanced Themer for Bricks with a new update entry:

Advanced Themer for Bricks 3.0.3

= 3.0.3 ( FEB 4, 2025 )
* FIX: Tag Manager could stay open and conflict with other active inputs on the page
* FIX: Hide element was ignoring breakpoints/mobile-first approach.
* FIX: Uncategorized CSS variables weren't correctly applied on the builder when applied from the Variable Picker
* FIX: Elements generated from the right elements shortcuts could have different ID's between the iframe and the structure, resulting in misc errors.
* FIX: The Grid Builder CSS declarations are now...

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raz0r updated Advanced Themer for Bricks with a new update entry:

Advanced Themer for Bricks 3.0.4

= 3.0.4 ( FEB 7, 2025 )
* IMPROVE: Class & Style indicators added to the Structure list within Style Overview
* IMPROVE: Class Converter: new class indicators
* IMPROVE: The breakpoint slider is now a separate tweak from the Responsive Helper
* FIX: SVG applied to button icons weren't correctly saved when SVG was set as the default library for Icons
* FIX: Filtered Structure Panel wasn't showing the collapsed elements
* FIX: Elements generated from the right elements shortcuts could...

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raz0r updated Advanced Themer for Bricks with a new update entry:

Advanced Themer for Bricks 3.0.5

= 3.0.5 ( FEB 12, 2025 )
* NEW: Animation Tab & Controls
* IMPROVE: Page Transition: removed the JavaScript code - the code is 100% vanilla CSS.
* IMPROVE: Page Transition: removed the target control in the page settings
* IMPROVE: Page Transition: removed the wrapper control in the element settings
* IMPROVE: Page Transition: removed the need to activate page transition in the page settings when an element contains a transition name
* IMPROVE: Left tab shortcut: added new animation...

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