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Advanced Themer for Bricks

Advanced Themer for Bricks 3.0.5

= 3.0.5 ( FEB 12, 2025 )
* NEW: Animation Tab & Controls
* IMPROVE: Page Transition: removed the JavaScript code - the code is 100% vanilla CSS.
* IMPROVE: Page Transition: removed the target control in the page settings
* IMPROVE: Page Transition: removed the wrapper control in the element settings
* IMPROVE: Page Transition: removed the need to activate page transition in the page settings when an element contains a transition name
* IMPROVE: Left tab shortcut: added new animation tab
* IMPROVE: Filterable Structure: added HTML tags as filterable keywords
* FIX: Typo in the global page transition keyframes declarations
* FIX: Global Transitions wasn't applying on post with gutenberg blocks
* FIX: Nested Elements: layout issue in categories with few elements
* FIX: Nested Elements: convert to component wasn't working correctly
* FIX: Style Overview: toggling off the structure list would mess with the layout
* FIX: AI in SuperPowerCSS was mounting even if no API key was set in the Theme Settings
= 3.0.4 ( FEB 7, 2025 )
* IMPROVE: Class & Style indicators added to the Structure list within Style Overview
* IMPROVE: Class Converter: new class indicators
* IMPROVE: The breakpoint slider is now a separate tweak from the Responsive Helper
* FIX: SVG applied to button icons weren't correctly saved when SVG was set as the default library for Icons
* FIX: Filtered Structure Panel wasn't showing the collapsed elements
* FIX: Elements generated from the right elements shortcuts could be unsync with the structure if the user previously clicked on an iframe element
* FIX: Adding a component from the right elements shortcuts would fail to nest the component inside an active nestable element
* FIX: Legacy Darkmode button had styling properties not applied correctly
* FIX: Responsive Helper could stretch the bottom of the preview window
* FIX: When "Lock Elements Order" was enabled, you could drag items inside unnestable elements within the structure
= 3.0.3 ( FEB 4, 2025 )
* FIX: Tag Manager could stay open and conflict with other active inputs on the page
* FIX: Hide element was ignoring breakpoints/mobile-first approach.
* FIX: Uncategorized CSS variables weren't correctly applied on the builder when applied from the Variable Picker
* FIX: Elements generated from the right elements shortcuts could have different ID's between the iframe and the structure, resulting in misc errors.
* FIX: The Grid Builder CSS declarations are now applied as Custom CSS if a component is detected as child of the parent element.
* FIX: Converting elements to Rich Text could be glitchy
* FIX: Default Link Spacing Controls could interfere with box-shadow/border/text-shadow controls
= 3.0.2 ( JAN 31, 2025 )
* NEW: Filterable Structure Panel
* IMPROVE: Hide/Remove Element: new floating bar on the bottom of the Structure Panel
* IMPROVE: Remove Default Libraries for Icons: now SVG is selected by default.
* IMPROVE: Closing the Color Picker would leave the default Bricks color popup open.
* IMPROVE: Quick Search: filter the structure by content keyword.
* IMPROVE: Quick Search: filter the structure by global class name attached to the elemenets.
* IMPROVE: Responsive Helper is now open by default on load.
* FIX: Using the right elements shortcuts could lead to see the newly added element inside the structure, but not within the iframe.
* FIX: Codepen Converter: solved a JavaScript error that prevented importing a structure without having an active element selected within the structure panel.
* FIX: Mask Helper wasn't applying the mask correctly anymore
* FIX: Clicking on on the "Hide/Remove element" icons within the contextual menu of the structure panel would also toggle the display:none property.
* FIX: Strict Editor View: the logo image triggered a PHP error inside the editor view.
* FIX: Panel groups within the Content tab weren't toggable when Lock ID styles was active.
* FIX: Deleting the data of AT when uninstalling could potentially mess with the existing Theme Styles.
* FIX: CMD/CTRL + F in Advanced CSS wasn't opening the codemirror search function
* FIX: Imported CSS in Advanecd CSS could output a warning on non-SSL sites
* FIX: CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + F was opening the Quick Search Modal instead of the element search function from Bricks
* FIX: Class Manager: couldn't select a class if a component was inserted in current page's Structure Panel
* FIX: Variable Picker: search would return color variables only
* FIX: Theme variables weren't enqueued correctly on Editor View
= 3.0.1 ( JAN 28, 2025 )
* FIX: Confirmation import/export popup wasn't displayed "fixed" on page
* FIX: Importing the Theme Settings would create duplicated entries within the confirmation popup
* FIX: FATAL error in the AJAX response when importing the Strict Editor options
* FIX: darkmode-local-storage.js was enqueued even when global colors or the darkmode on the frontend were disabled
* FIX: The right element shortcuts could generate a js error when no element was selected
= 3.0 ( JAN 27, 2025 )
* NEW: Page Transitions (Experimental)
* NEW: Quick Remote Templates
* NEW: Leverage AI to improve any elements custom CSS
* NEW: AI Prompt Manager
* NEW: Focus mode
* NEW: Zoom-Out
* NEW: Color Variables Picker
* NEW: Logical Properties controls
* NEW: 2 New Elements: Nestable Darkmode Button & Toggle
* NEW: Lock Elements Order
* NEW: Modified Mode
* NEW: Extract Variables as Global Variables
* NEW: Link Spacing Controls by Default
* NEW: Remove Default Libraries for Icon elements
* NEW: Color Popup set to RAW and displayed as a LIST
* IMPROVE: Full compatibility with the new Components (since Bricks v1.12)
* IMPROVE: Structure Helper: Components extended/collapsed
* IMPROVE: Structure Helper: Filters are now toggable
* IMPROVE: Strict Editor View: all elements are now listed for left-visibility/enable features
* IMPROVE: Revamped Structure Shortcuts including all elements and components
* IMPROVE: ACF requests to the database made by AT dropped to one single request
* IMPROVE: Class Converter: added an active background-color on root elements
* IMPROVE: Class Converter: toggling the include/skip option on a root element will also apply to all the relative children
* IMPROVE: Class Converter: Sync Elements Labels
* IMPROVE: Class Manager: add the trash category
* IMPROVE: Color Manager: hitting ENTER or TAB within the HEX input will now update the HEX value
* IMPROVE: Color Manager: typing a 6-digit hex color will automatically update the color value.
* IMPROVE: Variable Picker: added an option to enable both the V icon and the Right click as event triggers
* IMPROVE: Nested Elements: New PHP filter to manage the default elements
* IMPROVE: Nested Elements: new option to convert custom element as native Bricks Component
* IMPROVE: Box-Shadow Generator: New PHP filter no manage the presets
* IMPROVE: Enable / Disable elements are now hidden when checked
* IMPROVE: More granular control over the exported/imported/reset AT data
* IMPROVE: Added new Bricks exportable data: Global Settings, Components, Pseudo Classes, Breakpoints, Structure Width & Panel Width
* IMPROVE: Plain Classes: Added a lock icon next to all the locked classes
* IMPROVE: Plain Classes: Clicking on an active class will remove it from the class list.
* IMPROVE: Plain Classes: The editor provides a trailing space, allowing you to easily add new classes without needing to press backspace.
* IMPROVE: Added a version number to the custom stylesheets created with Advanced CSS to avoid caching issues.
* IMPROVE: Quick Search: search a structure element by the ID
* IMPROVE: Quick Search: new component section
* IMPROVE: New shortcut icons to remove element on frontend & hide in builder in contextual menus
* IMPROVE: New Quick Edit toggles within the AT Main Menu
* IMPROVE: Drastic reduction of CPU usage when compiling SASS code.
* IMPROVE: Moving elements with keyboard arrows won't be triggered when any input text is selected
* IMPROVE: The "Generate Global Query Loop" button is now visible even when no query type is selected
* IMPROVE: Revamped Tag Manager to allow custom tags from the structure panel
* IMPROVE: New Structure list within the Style Overview modal
* IMPROVE: New Keyboard Shortcuts for AI Prompt Manager and Quick Search
* FIX: ACSS icon covering the keyboard shortcut icon on the bottom right of the screen
* FIX: Focus on first unlocked class could not work properly when the element included deleted classes.
* FIX: Generate AI structure could return a JS error if the openai API key isn't set inside the theme settings.
* FIX: Icon settings weren't exported correctly from the ID to the class using Class Converter
* FIX: Importing global classes missed the Locked list
* FIX: Adding a Nested Component while a child had removed global classes could generated a JS error.
* FIX: The final part of the CSS code - when longer than the screen viewport - could overflow in SuperPowerCSS
* FIX: Moving parent colors inside Color Manager could break the position of the children
* FIX: Convert UX to CSS & Variabilize CSS may not be correctly saved inside the element/class object
* FIX: Advanced CSS now supports Mobile-first css on page.css
* FIX: Control values not visible on classes when "Focus on First Class" was enabled
* FIX: Unable to move rich text elements with keyboard shortcuts due to the autofocus on the tinyMCE editor
* FIX: Right keyboard shortcuts could be wrongly triggered when typing inside the BricksForge Panel
* FIX: Some dynamicooo shortcode could conflict with the autoformat clamp() function.
* FIX: Autoexpanding SuperPowerCSS could be wrongly triggered when switching to elements with locked classes only
* FIX: Switching from an element with locked classes only could prevent SuperPowerCSS from mounting correctly
* FIX: CSS styles applied on global classes not always saved correctly when SuperPowerCSS is activated
* FIX: Ajax error when no Global Query Loop Category is set
* FIX: Focus Point applied on image classes would be wrongly applied on ID level.
* FIX: SuperPowerCSS: CMD+F would trigger the Quick Search function of AT instead of the CodeMirror Search dialog
* FIX: Move arrows within the contextual menu of the structure panel could be incorrectly enabled/disabled
* FIX: CSS Variable Suggestion Dropdown had a EventListener conflict on Safari
* FIX: The "expand" icon within the Structure Panel could be switching position with the BEM icon of ACSS om click.
* FIX: Code Element CSS on full-size wasn't showing all the code on click and wasn't scrollable either
* LEGACY: Darkmode button & toggle are now legacy - use the nestable versions instead
= ( OCT 22, 2024 )
* IMPROVE: Hide element on builder & frontend have now 2 different colors inside the structure panel
* FIX: Advanced CSS: Toggling a stylesheet status could reset the content
* FIX: Advanced CSS: Toggling a partial status could set the content as "false"
* FIX: Advanced CSS: Partials weren't sharing variables from other partials, resulting in potential errors when compiling
* FIX: Advanced CSS: The status toggle was too big in sidebar view - the tooltip was overlapping with the CSS editor
* FIX: SuperPowerCSS: The cursor/selection could be miscalculated after the left panel auto-expanded.
* FIX: SuperPowerCSS: The SASS code could be replaced by the compiled code on breakpoints.
* FIX: Footer buttons inside modals with sidebar view could overflow
* FIX: Not enough background contrast in the grid builder error notification box
* FIX: ACSS transparency background inside the grid color picker wasn't showing correctly
* FIX: Grid Builder: The cell's col/row set by the child inputs weren't correctly saved.
* FIX: Grid Builder: 0px gap could create render/calculation issues.
= 2.9.1 ( OCT 17, 2024 )
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: Added suggestion dropdown for SCSS files
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: Added Beautify CSS for SCSS files
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: Manage your own recipes
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: New PHP filter to add your custom recipes
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: Full ACSS recipes integration
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: Introducing Community Recipes
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: Sass code in Elements and Global Classes get recompiled in the builder on save
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: lastModified timezones are now sync between the browser and the server.
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: New "Recompile & Regenerate all CSS files" option in the modal.
* IMPROVE: SuperPowerCSS: ACSS recipes are now fully supported (for both ACSS & AT)
* IMPROVE: SuperPowerCSS: Better on-the-fly mixins/partials render
* IMPROVE: SuperPowerCSS: Live error Checker added for when Sass is enabled
* IMPROVE: Dynamic Data Modal: performance improvements inside the modal
* IMPROVE: Plain Classes: You can navigate the class buttons using the TAB key.
* IMPROVE: Global Colors: new .brxc-reversed-colors & .brxc-initial-colors utility classes
* IMPROVE: Deleting a class with any AT function now supports the new trash function of Bricks since 1.11
* FIX: Advanced CSS: Custom stylesheets missing stripslashes() on SASS content on frontend.
* FIX: SuperPowerCSS: The content could be stripped on mount
* FIX: The advanced options in SuperPowerCSS (beautify, variabilize, convert UX, etc...) required extra typing to correctly save the css to database.
* FIX: Contextual menu not visible when the Structure Panel is undocked.
* FIX: WPCodeBox integration not triggered when the filepath of the plugin was altered
* FIX: Plain class: a js error could prevent the correct focus inside the class editor
* UPDATE: ACF PRO has been updated to version 6.3.9
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Reactions: Kensei1212
= ( OCT 10, 2024 )
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: The initial commented code inside child.css is now set as readonly to avoid any human error.
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: AI disabled in child.css to avoid messing with the initial commented code.
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS: added a new php filter to disable the WPCodeBox integration.
* IMPROVE: Keyboard Shortcuts: reverted some logics for wider OS compatibility.
* FIX: Copy dynamic data to clipboard icon could be misplaced inside the Dynamic Data Modal
* FIX: The left panel icons could get on top the quick search modal
* FIX: SuperPowerCSS: the "r" %root% shortcut could conflict with some emmet shortcuts
* FIX: Advanced CSS: Custom stylesheets missing stripslashes() on SASS content
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Reactions: Kensei1212