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Academy Learning Management System by Creativeitem

NULLED Academy Learning Management System by Creativeitem 6.10 NULLED

Hint: You need to like in order to download all the files. Thanks!

Download all the files from the following link: *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Download Password: *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

1. addons.zip (1.75 MB): *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

2. install-update-docs-v6.6.1.zip (10.45 MB): *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

3. elegant-v1.8.zip (17.10 MB): *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

4. academy-lms-v6.6.1.zip (103.97 MB): *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Credit: hellotech55

Hint: You need to like in order to download all the files. Thanks!

Download all the files from the following link: *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Download Password: *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

1. addons.zip (1.75 MB): *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

2. install-update-docs-v6.6.1.zip (10.45 MB): *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

3. elegant-v1.8.zip (17.10 MB): *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

4. academy-lms-v6.6.1.zip (103.97 MB): *** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Credit: hellotech55

New Updates To Addons and Some Code modifications in Academy LMS for Stability... No issues...

Download Now! ==> Updated for Security & Stability

Hint: You need to like in order to download the newly updated file. Thanks!

academy-lms-v6.6.1-with-12-addons-updated.zip (134.59 MB)
Download the newly updated file from the following link:

Download Password:

Credit: hellotech55
Last edited:
New Updates To Addons and Some Code modifications in Academy LMS for Stability... No issues...

Download Now! ==> Updated for Security & Stability

Hint: You need to like in order to download the newly updated file. Thanks!

academy-lms-v6.6.1-with-12-addons-updated.zip (134.59 MB)
Download the newly updated file from the following link:

Download Password:

Credit: hellotech55
This user BANNED from NullCave forum!
Hello how to install add-ons what is pass code to install it? For the script its ok i install it. Thanks....
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Hello how to install add-ons what is pass code to install it? For the script its ok i install it. Thanks....
hellotech55 said:
Latest Academy LMS v6.6.1 fully nulled , Find the attachment attached herewith... Enjoy!

Trick to install addons without error "Invalid Purchase Code" while installing addons.

Warning: Don't install addons via "addons > Install Addons", ==> Because You need to "provide Purchase Code", which will raise error "Invalid Purchase Code"

Install or Update addons on Academy LMS

Warning: Make sure your are logged-in to your admin account and you are in admin page

Error: You may notice error as "Your Server doesn't allow to upload greater than 2M file size"
Error-Fix: Simply do the following trick to fix the error.
Warning (Error-Fix): Add the following lines to "your-application-root-directory/.htaccess" file & save

I tried to update to version 6.6.1 and I was unsuccessful, I get a 500 error when I send the code on the /admin/system_settings page, can someone explain to me how to update this code without having errors?
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I tried to update to version 6.6.1 and I was unsuccessful, I get a 500 error when I send the code on the /admin/system_settings page, can someone explain to me how to update this code without having errors?
can you explain in detail and share the screenshot of the error so that I can understand your issue and help you to resolve your issue.
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raz0r 's signature
Error in the code for wasabi
Can anyone help me so I can test it and see if it works well with wasabi?

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  • Like
Reactions: erikzuzu
Don't work payment system please fix it raz0r brother


  • Screenshot_2024-07-13-21-32-35-897_com.android.chrome.jpg
    141.7 KB · Views: 9
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raz0r 's signature
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Academy LMS v6.9.1 - Learning Management System - shows this error in install

This page isn’t working​

demo.edumy.com is currently unable to handle this request.

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UPDATE PLEASE I need these addons:
Academy LMS Zoom Live Streaming Class Addon 2.1
Academy LMS Scorm Course Addon 1.1
Academy LMS Noticeboard Addon 1.2
Academy LMS Course Analytics Addon 1.1
Academy LMS Training Addon for Team, Group, Organization, Corporate and Company
Academy Lms Bootcamp Course Addon
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New Updates To Addons and Some Code modifications in Academy LMS for Stability... No issues...

Download Now! ==> Updated for Security & Stability

Hint: You need to like in order to download the newly updated file. Thanks!

academy-lms-v6.6.1-with-12-addons-updated.zip (134.59 MB)
Download the newly updated file from the following link:
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Download Password:
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Credit: hellotech55
