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ABC Widget - Email Template


New member
How to Use
First, you need to decide how you will use this template. You have
two options:

OPTION 1) Add text and images to this template yourself

* Edit template-basic.html:

Use this if you would like to add your content using your own HTML
tools, and just use Campaign Monitor to send the emails.

All you need to do is change the copy and images right in this file,
then start a new campaign in your account. You select to import a
file from your computer, and upload it there.

Option 2) Use the Campaign Monitor WYSIWYG editor to add content

* Edit template-with-editor-tags.html

This version is for using with Campaign Monitor's online WYSIWYG
editor. See a screencast of the editor in action at:

It contains special tags which define which sections of the page
content and images can be added to.

You would upload this version under the 'templates' tab for the
relevant client in your account.

What other files are included?
* Original.PSD file

This is a Photoshop file that includes all the original layout and
imagery for the template. You can use this if you want to edit any
of the images.

After making changes, you would need to cut and save the relevant
sections as separate images, just like for a web page.

It isn't possible to automatically generate the HTML from the
Photoshop file.

* CSS and image files (.jpg, .gif, .png)

These are all the images the HTML pages reference. When you are
ready to import your HTML file into Campaign Monitor, you just
need to compress the images and css into a single .zip file


  • abc widgets 12.zip
    10.6 MB · Views: 5
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