Thanks to the community @nulledcave and especially @RaZor for maintaining this awesome space. I don't think i've met a more dedicated owner than him, myself included. By experience, I can tell everyone, the hours they are putting in for this webmaster community is astounding. Not only posting ressources but decoding 3ncrypts, answering DM, replying to threads and keeping this place clean is a full time passion. It's obviously multiple people on the same admin account but still, Big congrats for that.
This is a webmaster community, it is dedicated to webmasterz who need this ressource for continued learning and relevant experience. I would not be the professional i became if these communities didn't exist. Donations are an important part of the wellbeing of any online community, however, a sense of belonging, interacting positively (or negatively) and particpating in discussions and debates is what it is all about. The ressources and downloads are equally important as sharing your experience and knowledge.
All of us should be helping out, it doesn't take much time to post virustotal results, analyze posted files, run compares and share intiative.
We do not have moderators, this is an extreme privilege and very, very rare. @raz0r trusts his users enough to not have to coddle and baby them. I have yet seen him tell anyone off, but some of the posts people are making are simply a waste of ressources. I had to filter through a million 'thanks and thank you's" and posts with no substance to get to the meat of conversations.
For many of us this is part of our job. It is a professional ressource for indepth research and learning and new ideas. Reversing, cracking , decoding and nulling scriptz is an integral part of every developpers coding routine & toolbox. People need to understand that we don't use the files, platforms and systems we hack or null. We hack and null and move on and hack and null some more. We write and use our own scripts, probably not even in php. Personally I develop in Py and C, with php only as a backup.
if you are using nullcave nulls, tell us about it. Learn to check the files, discover backlinks or callbacks, double check license validation and give feedback.
'It's not nulled' or ' it doesn't work' is not feedback.
What makes you think it is not nulled? Why doesn't it work? What is your configuration? Where did it fail? How did you concluded it is not a You problem? Replying to requests is hard enough already without having to guess every last possible machine configuration out there. Some use php xxx others use hack as a php engine, some of us use centos, fedora, bds, red hat, unity, canonical or many others. Some of us run apache, others nginx or lightspeed or custom builds, some of us have software decoders others use machine decoding.
If you do not know how to use a file comparator, a decoder and how to touch back files or how to use an ide, learn, it is part of your process. If you don't know bash or what cron is or how to spool up a Vm or use Nano, go online and learn. These are all tools you need to develop and they are a basic part of the sandbox. If you are stuck in a Cpanel loop, look into Vesta or CwP, if you are still using shared hosting sign up for digitalocean or vultr and learn how to deploy environments. Learn kubernetes, learn git, learn agile and scrum, learn Python or Hack or bash. Write some basic scripts to automate your life. Learn about repositories, learn REMI, figure out Redis, learn Laravel, Zend or others. GET OUT OF THE BOX.
i work 80+ hours a week, I have multiple hobbies, a famiiy, homes and cars to take care of, but still find the time to help people here and elsewhere and everywhere. I came here today and wrote this absurdly longazz and elaborate post and I do it on dozens of forums also, daily. If you don't have the time, make the time. Coding is not for people with an 8 second attention span. You can't swipe up every 3 seconds hoping you will get a solution. It takes time, effort and patience.
Make the effort, find the time, make Beautiful posts, share and discuss. Be social. This is the only unmoderated community I know of, you should take it seriously, one day there'll be someone in SuperMod Purple deleting everything irrelevant, hounding down abusers and banning the shiite out of the member list. Remember this post when it happens.
Here today and gone tomorrow is not a stereotype for sites like this, it is a reality. I've seen litterally hundreds of forums disappear over the years because the owners got overwhelmed with the workload, the cost and the time it takes. It has happened to me 3 different times, there is other members here, you are not alone, there isn't enough time in real life for everyone.
Be generous with your time, give back to the communuty, make love not war.
Common sense isn't very common. Do better and don't be a noob forever. Speak your mind, be honest, share and have fun, this is a cool sphere to grow in, ask and answer, it will be worth it for you in the long run.
leecherz and leakerz need not apply.
This is a webmaster community, it is dedicated to webmasterz who need this ressource for continued learning and relevant experience. I would not be the professional i became if these communities didn't exist. Donations are an important part of the wellbeing of any online community, however, a sense of belonging, interacting positively (or negatively) and particpating in discussions and debates is what it is all about. The ressources and downloads are equally important as sharing your experience and knowledge.
All of us should be helping out, it doesn't take much time to post virustotal results, analyze posted files, run compares and share intiative.
We do not have moderators, this is an extreme privilege and very, very rare. @raz0r trusts his users enough to not have to coddle and baby them. I have yet seen him tell anyone off, but some of the posts people are making are simply a waste of ressources. I had to filter through a million 'thanks and thank you's" and posts with no substance to get to the meat of conversations.
For many of us this is part of our job. It is a professional ressource for indepth research and learning and new ideas. Reversing, cracking , decoding and nulling scriptz is an integral part of every developpers coding routine & toolbox. People need to understand that we don't use the files, platforms and systems we hack or null. We hack and null and move on and hack and null some more. We write and use our own scripts, probably not even in php. Personally I develop in Py and C, with php only as a backup.
if you are using nullcave nulls, tell us about it. Learn to check the files, discover backlinks or callbacks, double check license validation and give feedback.
'It's not nulled' or ' it doesn't work' is not feedback.
What makes you think it is not nulled? Why doesn't it work? What is your configuration? Where did it fail? How did you concluded it is not a You problem? Replying to requests is hard enough already without having to guess every last possible machine configuration out there. Some use php xxx others use hack as a php engine, some of us use centos, fedora, bds, red hat, unity, canonical or many others. Some of us run apache, others nginx or lightspeed or custom builds, some of us have software decoders others use machine decoding.
If you do not know how to use a file comparator, a decoder and how to touch back files or how to use an ide, learn, it is part of your process. If you don't know bash or what cron is or how to spool up a Vm or use Nano, go online and learn. These are all tools you need to develop and they are a basic part of the sandbox. If you are stuck in a Cpanel loop, look into Vesta or CwP, if you are still using shared hosting sign up for digitalocean or vultr and learn how to deploy environments. Learn kubernetes, learn git, learn agile and scrum, learn Python or Hack or bash. Write some basic scripts to automate your life. Learn about repositories, learn REMI, figure out Redis, learn Laravel, Zend or others. GET OUT OF THE BOX.
i work 80+ hours a week, I have multiple hobbies, a famiiy, homes and cars to take care of, but still find the time to help people here and elsewhere and everywhere. I came here today and wrote this absurdly longazz and elaborate post and I do it on dozens of forums also, daily. If you don't have the time, make the time. Coding is not for people with an 8 second attention span. You can't swipe up every 3 seconds hoping you will get a solution. It takes time, effort and patience.
Make the effort, find the time, make Beautiful posts, share and discuss. Be social. This is the only unmoderated community I know of, you should take it seriously, one day there'll be someone in SuperMod Purple deleting everything irrelevant, hounding down abusers and banning the shiite out of the member list. Remember this post when it happens.
Here today and gone tomorrow is not a stereotype for sites like this, it is a reality. I've seen litterally hundreds of forums disappear over the years because the owners got overwhelmed with the workload, the cost and the time it takes. It has happened to me 3 different times, there is other members here, you are not alone, there isn't enough time in real life for everyone.
Be generous with your time, give back to the communuty, make love not war.
Common sense isn't very common. Do better and don't be a noob forever. Speak your mind, be honest, share and have fun, this is a cool sphere to grow in, ask and answer, it will be worth it for you in the long run.
leecherz and leakerz need not apply.
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