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6valley Multi-Vendor E-commerce - Complete eCommerce Mobile App, Web, Seller & Admin Panel

NULLED 6valley Multi-Vendor E-commerce - Complete eCommerce Mobile App, Web, Seller & Admin Panel 15.1 NULLED

can you please update to 14.6

Version 14.6 – 19 April 2024
- Introduced custom sorting for all kinds of lists from the admin panel
- Dynamic email template for all kinds of emails
- Warning with popup notification in both admin and vendor panels for low stock
- Enabled selected product checkout and ensured that remaining products stayed in the cart after placing an order
- Improved design and format of Excel for all vendor-related export data options
- Create account checkmark for the guest users on the checkout page with already inputted data
- Enhanced the seller registration page to be more informative and user-friendly
- Managed buy now checkout separately without removing other items from the cart
- Migrate firebase push notification API from legacy FCM APIs to HTTP v1
- Fixed lots of improvements related issues in both web panels and app
- Made the apps compatible with Flutter SDK 3.19.6
guys how to add Arabic french or any other languages because it came by default just English tnx for the help !
if you want to add language to the apps translate this assets/language/en.json and add this code
LanguageModel(imageUrl: Images.ar, languageName: 'Arabic', countryCode: 'SA', languageCode: 'ar'),

to lib/utill/app_constants.dart
same step for other languages
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Reactions: mdrokimr
Dear @raz0r can you please update to the latest version (14.6)?

Version 14.6 – 19 April 2024
- Introduced custom sorting for all kinds of lists from the admin panel
- Dynamic email template for all kinds of emails
- Warning with popup notification in both admin and vendor panels for low stock
- Enabled selected product checkout and ensured that remaining products stayed in the cart after placing an order
- Improved design and format of Excel for all vendor-related export data options
- Create account checkmark for the guest users on the checkout page with already inputted data
- Enhanced the seller registration page to be more informative and user-friendly
- Managed buy now checkout separately without removing other items from the cart
- Migrate firebase push notification API from legacy FCM APIs to HTTP v1
- Fixed lots of improvements related issues in both web panels and app
- Made the apps compatible with Flutter SDK 3.19.6
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Reactions: mdrokimr and hwaney

6valley Multi-Vendor E-commerce - Complete eCommerce Mobile App, Web and Admin Panel v14.6​

Version 14.6 – 19 May 2024
- Introduced custom sorting for all kinds of lists from the admin panel
- Dynamic email template for all kinds of emails
- Warning with popup notification in both admin and vendor panels for low stock
- Enabled selected product checkout and ensured that remaining products stayed in the cart after placing an order
- Improved design and format of Excel for all vendor-related export data options
- Create account checkmark for the guest users on the checkout page with already inputted data
- Enhanced the seller registration page to be more informative and user-friendly
- Managed buy now checkout separately without removing other items from the cart
- Migrate firebase push notification API from legacy FCM APIs to HTTP v1
- Fixed lots of improvements related issues in both web panels and app
- Made the apps compatible with Flutter SDK 3.19.6
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