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66socialproof - Social Proof and FOMO Widgets Notifications (SAAS) PHP

NULLED 66socialproof - Social Proof and FOMO Widgets Notifications (SAAS) PHP 43.0.0 NULLED Extended

Can you please update The Latest Version?

Update 29.0.0 - 13 October, 2023
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Hey ! guys if the script ask to verify licence , don't worry replace the install/install.php with this install.php and restart the installation :

download the install.php , and replace with your install.php and restart installation

𝕭𝖎𝖑𝖑𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖔 's signature
raz0r updated 66socialproof - Social Proof and FOMO Widgets Notifications (SAAS) PHP with a new update entry:

66socialproof v29.0.0 NULLED Extended

Update 29.0.0 - 13 October, 2023
  • Implemented & Released the new PWA Plugin.
  • Implemented the ability to set icons for custom pages created in the admin panel.
  • Implemented the ability to change the tracking type and cookie tracking duration of the affiliate system.
  • Implemented Ad blocker detection alert system.
  • Implemented Ad blocker detection lock content until ad blocker is disabled.
  • Implemented Admin panel Webhooks for Domains creation & update events...

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𝕭𝖎𝖑𝖑𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖔 's signature
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How should I upgrade from V25 to V29 ?
is any SQL command needed?
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How should I upgrade from V25 to V29 ?
is any SQL command needed?
i think no .... read update instructions to see
𝕭𝖎𝖑𝖑𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖔 's signature
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Alguém pode me ajudar a instalar os plugins, por favor? On the plugin management page, it appears for me to purchase if the plugin files are already installed.
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Alguém pode me ajudar a instalar os plugins, por favor? On the plugin management page, it appears for me to purchase if the plugin files are already installed.
bro downloads all plugins manualy from here and extract all to the plugins folder in your script and after that go to the plugin management page again and click install like on this image
IMG LINKS: https://zabiqrcode.com/4iwmtqmlilsgnwy
𝕭𝖎𝖑𝖑𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖔 's signature
Just u
i think no .... read update instructions to see

I think I should run an sql command. Just replacing the files to update? Where is the update instructions? Inside the files, is just very early versions
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Just u

I think I should run an sql command. Just replacing the files to update? Where is the update instructions? Inside the files, is just very early versions
You want to update from V25 to V29 right ? or any orthers version to V29 ?
  1. Download the V29 and unzip to your computer ,
  2. After unzipping, you will find "update" folder ,
  3. Upload the "update" folder to your V25 website root directory or olders version root directory,
  4. Now go to https://your-website.example/update/index.php ,
  5. And follow instructions to good update ,
  6. After update just delete the "update" folder and hit https://your-website.example .
NB: Replace 'your-website.example' with your website domain ... (Eg: if your website domain is nullcave.club >>> the update link will be https://nullcave.club/update/index.php )

TIPS: If it works for you don't forget to like this post .... thanks ;)
𝕭𝖎𝖑𝖑𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖔 's signature
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You want to update from V25 to V29 right ? or any orthers version to V29 ?
  1. Download the V29 and unzip to your computer ,
  2. After unzipping, you will find "update" folder ,
  3. Upload the "update" folder to your V25 website root directory or olders version root directory,
  4. Now go to https://your-website.example/update/index.php ,
  5. And follow instructions to good update ,
  6. After update just delete the "update" folder and hit https://your-website.example .
NB: Replace 'your-website.example' with your website domain ... (Eg: if your website domain is nullcave.club >>> the update link will be https://nullcave.club/update/index.php )

TIPS: If it works for you don't forget to like this post .... thanks ;)
Thank you so much billmarvillo
𝕭𝖎𝖑𝖑𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖔 's signature
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mano baixa todos os plugins manualmente daqui e extraia tudo para a pasta de plugins do seu script e depois vá para a página de gerenciamento de plugins novamente e clique em instalar como nesta imagem
LINKS IMG : https://zabiqrcode.com/4iwmtqmlilsgnwy
LINKS PARA DOWNLOAD DE TODOS OS PLUGINS : *** Texto oculto: não pode ser citado. ***
Thanks, it works now 👏
raz0r updated 66socialproof - Social Proof and FOMO Widgets Notifications (SAAS) PHP with a new update entry:

66socialproof v30.0.0 NULLED Extended

Update 30.0.0 - 17 November, 2023
Minimum PHP requirement is now PHP 8.0 instead of PHP 7.4.
  • Implemented & Released the new Push Notifications Plugin.
  • Implemented the ability to set a custom start URL - PWA plugin.
  • Implemented notification badges for installed PWA instances in case the user has an internal notification pending - PWA plugin.
  • Implemented the ability to set preview screenshots for mobile and desktop when installing the PWA of...

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After the installation, homepage loads normal but I can't even view login or register pages. It gives 404 error. Idk what did I wrong.
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raz0r updated 66socialproof - Social Proof and FOMO Widgets Notifications (SAAS) PHP with a new update entry:

66socialproof 33.0.0 NULLED Extended

Update 33.0.0 - 27 January, 2024
  • Implemented the ability to enable and display latest Blog posts on the homepage footer.
  • Improved the top menu dropdown when being logged in, showing all internal app links.
  • Reworked the whole discounts system to be able to choose the Plans for the discount, directly on the discount creation page in the admin panel.
  • Cookie consent dependancy upgraded and improved to support RTL.
  • Improved the admin panel language update page - added...

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