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66Analytics - Easy, friendly & privacy-focused web analytics system

NULLED 66Analytics - Easy, friendly & privacy-focused web analytics system 39.0.0 NULLED Extended


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

66Analytics - Easy, friendly & privacy-focused web analytics - Self-hosted, friendly, all-in-one web analytics tool

View attachment 6998

66Analytics NULLED - Web analytics made easy.​

Self-hosted, friendly, all-in-one web analytics tool. Lightweight tracking, session replays, heatmaps, user journeys & more.

Simple, good looking & friendly​

Most web analytics solutions do way too much when, in most cases, what you need is to glance over them and easily understand what is going on.
  • Simple 5-min installation...

Read more about this resource...
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hello @raz0r ,after create a website , when i click the user dashboard visitors and heatmaps and replays , they are all 500 errors
my test environment:
centos 7.6
apache 2.4
php7.4 and 8.1
mysql 5.7
response log is
36.*.*.150 - - [30/Nov/2022:22:01:39 +0800] "GET /replays HTTP/1.1" 500 - "http://mydomain/realtime" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/107.0.1418.56"

Where is the problem? Thanks!
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After installation, I added a website and put the given code in another site, but when I click on the verify button, I don't see the success message.
please help me
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Hello @raz0r , I have the same problem as @reishi , do you know what the problem could be?

Thank you
I found a solution: log in to the admin panel, re-select the language in Website Settings->Default language, save, then open Website Settings->Cache, clear the cache. Then check for 500 errors.
why angry? Did you click wrong? :ROFLMAO:
I use below code in admin in custom css section:
@font-face {
  font-family: font-name;
  src: url('font url') format('woff');
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: normal;
I wanna add my custom font for admin, dashboard and front.
can you help me to do that?
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I use below code in admin in custom css section:
@font-face {
  font-family: font-name;
  src: url('font url') format('woff');
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: normal;
I wanna add my custom font for admin, dashboard and front.
can you help me to do that?
You need to have some basic knowledge of CSS and html
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panel de administración, vuelva a seleccionar el idioma en Configuración del sitio web-> I
I found a solution: log in to the admin panel, re-select the language in Website Settings->Default language, save, then open Website Settings->Cache, clear the cache. Then check for 500 errors.
I had to create another language with another name and select it from Website Settings and it worked :D you are great \-.-/ Thank you very much!
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raz0r updated 66Analytics - Easy, friendly & privacy-focused web analytics with a new update entry:

66Analytics v18.0.0 NULLED Extended - Easy, friendly & privacy-focused web analytics

Update 18.0.0 - 6 December, 2022
  • Implemented unconfirmed users auto deletion feature, configurable via the admin panel.
  • Implemented user deletion email notification for admins.
  • Implemented Turnstile Cloudflare captcha system.
  • Implemented a better color picker for all color type inputs.
  • Implemented the ability to export to CSV, JSON, PDF the domains via the admin panel.
  • Implemented the ability to show/hide the plans section on the homepage.
  • Reworked URL...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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please help me to update
hello sir go to domain cpanel plz remove all old file and upload new file and install again this script every thing working website auto update not working sir thanks
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hello sir go to domain cpanel plz remove all old file and upload new file and install again this script every thing working website auto update not working sir thanks
I just replace new files with old files without removing. but I try this way
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Hello, :)
- So i have all requiments for installation all good with that.
- So it's showing my dashboard looks good.
Problems what i facing and i guess others is :
* Website tracking is not working, when you add a website okey. Then when you go to Dashboard > Websites > Showing "Active - Advanced mode" ( That means should work? ) with option "Lightweight mode" same showing that is Active but not works.
* I added Tracking code in website witch am looking for, but when i click verify it's opens new small tab of that website with verification url ( www.example.com?pixel_verify=mnKAy5irXVanBqhV ) but nothing showing that it's success or something like that.
* When i click on this pages : Replays, Heatmaps, Visitors Website is showing "This page isn't working at the moment" others works fine.

No matters what but still even after restarting MySQLs, or changing IPS of domain still is the same issue . I tryed to clear Cache as well same problem, receiving no info

@raz0r - Sorry for the ping, but i see you are author of this script, maybe you will be able to help ?
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I found a solution: log in to the admin panel, re-select the language in Website Settings->Default language, save, then open Website Settings->Cache, clear the cache. Then check for 500 errors.
Hey maybe you know this solution ? For my problem ( ^^^ Problem is above ^^^)
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