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66Analytics - Easy, friendly & privacy-focused web analytics system

NULLED 66Analytics - Easy, friendly & privacy-focused web analytics system 39.0.0 NULLED Extended

I am not able to login on a fresh install with admin/admin
1. Tried resetting pwd in DB - no change
2. Added email to db and did pwd reset - no change
3. Deleted cache - no change
Server is a LOMP
Any ideas ?????
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raz0r updated 66Analytics - Easy, friendly & privacy-focused web analytics system with a new update entry:

66Analytics 39.0.0 NULLED Extended

Update 39.0.0 - 4 March, 2025
  • Implemented the new payment gateway for One time & Recurring payments: LemonSqueezy 🍋.
  • Implemented the new Spotlight search system - Enabled via the admin panel - settings page.
  • Implemented all the available open graph tags to automatically work on all public pages to boost social media activity.
  • Implemented the new way to set your custom theme color from the admin panel via a pre-set palette of colors.
  • Implemented the HSTS header...

Read the rest of this update entry...
raz0r 's signature
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Reactions: alpipopa and LocalHost
Open themes\altum\views\admin\settings\partials\users.php
<?= implode(',', settings()->users->blacklisted_domains) ?>
replace with
<?= explode(',', settings()->users->blacklisted_domains) ?>

Also (not necessary) you may rung this sql
UPDATE `settings` SET `value` = '{\"login_rememberme_checkbox_is_checked\": false,\"email_confirmation\":false,\"welcome_email_is_enabled\":false,\"register_is_enabled\":true,\"register_only_social_logins\":false,\"register_display_newsletter_checkbox\":false,\"auto_delete_unconfirmed_users\":30,\"auto_delete_inactive_users\":90,\"user_deletion_reminder\":0,\"blacklisted_domains\":[\"example.com\", \"test.com\"],\"blacklisted_countries\":[],\"login_lockout_is_enabled\":true,\"login_lockout_max_retries\":3,\"login_lockout_time\":60,\"lost_password_lockout_is_enabled\":true,\"lost_password_lockout_max_retries\":3,\"lost_password_lockout_time\":60,\"resend_activation_lockout_is_enabled\":true,\"resend_activation_lockout_max_retries\":3,\"resend_activation_lockout_time\":60,\"register_lockout_is_enabled\":true,\"register_lockout_max_registrations\":3,\"register_lockout_time\":10}' WHERE `settings`.`id` = 3;

I still have the problem... I'm stuck. Do you have a solution?
azarock35 's signature
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