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Active Subscriptions: 129
* 3 USD = 387 USD a month, that means that selling the site for 100 USD would be not a logical move(?)
So i'm questioning if there are 129 users with an active subscription, also is the software you use nulled or bought?
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* 3 USD = 387 USD a month, that means that selling the site for 100 USD would be not a logical move(?)
So i'm questioning if there are 129 users with an active subscription, also is the software you use nulled or bought?
I can't manage this site, I'm doing a local business and want to stop online things like this. :(
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Its a big responsibility to keep service alive
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A site like this runs itself basically; low maintenance, update every once in a while
And it gives you a basic monthly salary in Pakistan
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Please answer the member questions.
1. What is the script you are using?
2. Is it Paid or nulled (cracked)
3. Why not park it on a shared server for pennies if it has revenue?
4. Where is it hosted
5. How long is the hosting contract
6. Did you pentest your system and what is the conclusion.
7. What ddos protection is in effect.
8. Do you have an escrow service for transfer?

Clear, concise, updated information required.
A hundo will not be a problem, if what you supplied is true.

Update: No answer as of 18042024
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