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Update: Added the ability to set login and logout redirect to “Home” page
Fix: Errors were generated when importing demos with disable BuddyPress components
Fix: Buddypress member and group directory styling options were not working
Fix: BuddyPress generate password section was not hidden by default
Fix: BuddyPress percentage match gauge overlaid profile filter dropdowns
Fix: Styling issues with PMPro checkout section descriptions
Fix: PMPro member levels menu options were not being hidden correctly
Fix: Default container size width was not being used on some BuddyPress pages
Fix: Issues with BP Distance Search plugin location field on PMPro checkout page
Fix: Redirecting back to dashboard, author and profile pages were not working
Fix: PMPro member level homepage was not working when global member homepage was set
Fix: Setting members homepage to same as the default homepage created a redirect loop
Fix: Hover styling on Heading element text was not working
Fix: PMPro WordPress default profile link was not redirecting to BP profile edit page
Fix: User ID error on PMPro membership level homepage
Fix: Spacing issues between BuddyPress profile field groups
Fix: Fatal error was generated on BuddyPress profile pages in some circumstances
Fix: Couldn’t add the same text to Menu Label and Title fields
Fix: Default columns for different device sizes for PMPro Levels elements were not displaying
Fix: A number of PMPro styling issues were being caused by recent PMPro update – if your checkout page looks weird remove custom styling from GhostPool Core > Site Settings > Paid Membership Pro Styling > Checkout Page
Fix: Some theme element options could not be translated in WPML
Fix: Load more button pagination was reloading the first page of items after using item filters