• The default language of any content posted is English.
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    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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Version 1.1.2 – Feb 25, 2025​

- Fix deprecation warning logs in PHP 8.3
- Fix warning when importing blog posts
- Copy menu structure to the new language when adding language
- Improve sitemap: add Google news and xml mobile. Check this: https://cms.botble.com/sitemap.google-news and https://cms.botble.com/sitemap.xml-mobile
- Improve email template, support RTL in email
- Improve newsletter: make it loads faster when loading the homepage
- Improve social sharing buttons
- Improve UI front theme and admin panel
- Improve cache for better performance
- Optimize source code
- Update third-party libraries to the latest version

Version 1.1.0 – Jan 17, 2025​

- Fix blog categories sorting issue
- Fix import translations, it was having issue when locale name has a dash
- Fix some RTL issues
- Upgrade to Laravel 11.0, support PHP 8.3
- Update CKEditor, Google Fonts and Tabler icons
- Add an option to permanently delete media files, bypassing the trash.
- Add support some new HTML tags
- Improve backup: add option to backup database only
- Improve UI front theme and admin panel
- Improve cache for better performance
- Optimize source code
- Update third-party libraries to the latest version