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zCart Multi-Vendor eCommerce Marketplace incevio

zCart Multi-Vendor eCommerce Marketplace incevio 2.17.1 NULLED

Version 2.6.6 (30th september,2022)​

* Deleted user ticket issue solve
* Merchant catalog product add issues solve
* Wallet approve issue fixed
* Account, wishlist, cart icon show on mobile
*Paypal Marketplace Checkout issue fixed
*Paystack checkout issue solved on the API
*Order permanent delete issue fixed
*Stripe create config issue fixed
*Customer avatar issue fixed

Version 2.6.5 (1 September 2022)​

* Merchant avatar issue
* Wallet checkout issue with Insufficient balance
* Image issue fixed on order create from backend panel
* Customer address Google map issue
= Improved the search bar design on the default theme