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Yoast WordPress SEO Premium - #1 WordPress SEO plugin

Yoast WordPress SEO Premium - #1 WordPress SEO plugin 24.7 NULLED


March 28, 2023
Have you tried the crawl optimization settings in Yoast SEO? We can lower your site's carbon footprint by reducing the number of irrelevant pages and resources crawled by search engines. With over 13 million Yoast SEO users, imagine our impact!


  • Fixes a bug where the previously used keyword assessment would potentially link to an empty page of results when the focus keyphrase had been used as a related keyphrase.


  • Bumps minimum required version of Yoast SEO to 20.4.
  • Sets the WordPress tested up to version to 6.2.


March 14, 2023
Yoast SEO Premium 20.3 is out today. For this release, we did a round of enhancements and fixes. For one, we made improvements to the redirect manager making it easier to use.


  • Makes links in the redirect manager clickable, to help with testing.
  • Defers redirect management to the plugins_loaded hook to avoid a timing misalignment between the redirect manager and the Wordfence live traffic monitor.
  • Enhances the word complexity assessment for English by filtering out more function words.


  • Fixes a bug where reactivating Premium would switch usage tracking on regardless of the value set by the user.


  • Bumps minimum required version of Yoast SEO to 20.3.


March 2, 2023


  • Bumps the minimum required version of Yoast SEO to 20.2.1.


February 28, 2023
Today, we're launching Yoast SEO Premium 20.2. In this release, we've improved our indexables database technology. This database system helps us understand your site quicker while also making your site perform better. It also helps us do our best to make the web greener and lays the groundwork for exciting future possibilities.


  • Fixes a bug where a fatal error would be thrown when Premium was installed alongside other plugins using the WHIP library.
  • Fixes a bug where orphaned prominent words would remain in the database after their post or term had been deleted.


  • Bumps minimum required version of Yoast SEO to 20.2.

20.1 - February 7, 2023​

In Yoast SEO 20.1, we're launching an integration with Mastodon, the decentralized social network. Among other things, this makes it easy for Yoast SEO Premium users to verify their profile link. Additionally, we've improved our inclusive language analysis to help you reach a wider audience with your content.


  • Adds an integration to easily verify the link to your website on your Mastodon profile.
  • Adds an integration with Easy Digital Downloads to improve its Schema output and connect it to the Yoast Schema graph.


  • Bumps minimum required version of Yoast SEO to 20.1.

20.0 - January 24, 2023​

Yoast SEO 20.0 Premium comes with a brand new settings interface, which we've put in a lot of effort to make visually pleasing and functional. You'll find it a breeze to work on your SEO, and it's just the start of many amazing developments. Check it out!


  • Bumps the Yoast SEO minimum required version to 20.0.

19.7 - January 10, 2023​

The latest version of Yoast SEO Premium, 19.7, includes the first set of improvements to the inclusive language analysis feature. These updates make the analysis more effective at identifying terms used in specific contexts and provide better feedback to writers.


  • Improves the prominent words section in Insights and the internal linking suggestions by excluding URLs and email addresses from the prominent words.


  • Fixes a redirect loop in the search cleanup, when search includes encoded characters.


  • Bumps the Yoast SEO minimum required version to 19.14.
  • Sets minimum WP version to 6.0.

Yoast SEO Premium 19.6​

December 13, 2022
Yoast SEO Premium 19.6 is out today. In this release, we've mostly focused on smaller improvements. We've also made the inclusive language analysis available to all users of Yoast SEO. Haven't tried it yet? Please do; it can help you expand your audience.


  • Adds the Internal linking suggestions collapsible to the Yoast metabox.
  • Removes a box in the Redirects page that prompts users to help with translating the plugin in their site language.


  • Fixes a bug where a fatal error would be thrown in the Classic editor when Yoast SEO Premium is used in combination with plugins that misuse metabox hooks.
  • Fixes a bug where enabling the removal of unregistered URL parameters would trigger errors in the Block editor and would make the customizer and the Divi builder unusable.
  • Fixes a bug where the Internal linking suggestions collapsible would be displayed wrongly when editing posts through the Classic editor.


  • Bumps the Yoast SEO minimum required version to 19.12.
  • Reduces noise from PHP 8.1 deprecations.
  • Improves compatibility with PHP 8.2.
  • Disallows setting or unsetting any dynamic properties on the Helpers_Surface.
  • Removes the beta badge from the word complexity assessment.
  • Removes the inclusive language analysis from Yoast SEO Premium as it has been moved to Yoast SEO.


November 8th, 2022

Yoast SEO Premium 19.5 is out now. This release mostly consists of bug fixes and enhancements. In addition, we’re getting our WordPress plugins ready for the upcoming High Performance Order Storage feature in WooCommerce 7.1+.

  • Bumps the Yoast SEO minimum required version to 19.10.
  • Ensures compatibility with the High Performance Order Storage feature in WooCommerce 7.1+.
  • Sets the WordPress tested up to version to 6.1.