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YITH WooCommerce Multi-step Checkout Premium

YITH WooCommerce Multi-step Checkout Premium 2.12.0

YITH WooCommerce Multi-step Checkout Premium.jpg

Avoid overwhelming customers and reduce cart abandonment by making your checkout simple and neat​

A/B split testing on checkout pages (analysis made to find out which checkout structure works better on e-commerce sites) has shown that a multi-step layout is the best option for a better user experience during the purchase process.

A multi-step structure helps customers feel more comfortable during the payment as they understand which step of the process they are in.

During the checkout, customers are generally required to add a lot of details on the same page and this process might seem long and confusing. In one word: overwhelming.

A multi-step checkout helps to sort data and split them into different sections displayed one after the other: this makes it much clearer from the customer’s point of view. It reduces the possibility of messing up information or making errors while filling in the forms. Cart abandonment and other common problems of websites with complex checkouts are greatly reduced.

Choose among 10 different layouts for the timeline of your multi-step checkout​

You can choose among 10 different layouts for the timeline, five of them in vertical style and five of them horizontal. Set the layout that best suits your e-commerce website and the one to show to mobile users.

Customize the timeline colors: a checkout that suits every style and theme​

To make sure that the checkout style can suit every e-commerce theme, you will be able to customize the colors of every step and status (previous, next and current step) and all the texts.
  • Version 2.12.0
  • Downloads 94
  • Views 746
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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