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YITH Auctions for WooCommerce Premium

YITH Auctions for WooCommerce Premium 4.8.0 NULLED

= 4.8.0 - Released on 6 November 2024 =

* New: support for WordPress 6.7
* New: support for WooCommerce 9.4
* Update: YITH plugin framework
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_pay_now_won_auction_label
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_my_watchlist_title
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_item_condition_label
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_item_condition_desc
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_auction_type_label
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_auction_type_desc
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_auction_dates_label
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_auction_dates_desc
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_auction_min_amount_label
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_auction_min_amount_desc
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_starting_price_label
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_starting_price_desc
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_automatic_bidding_note
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_start_new_auction
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_fee_amount_title
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_fee_amount_content_modal
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_commission_taxable
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_menu_title
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_auction_options_title
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_auction_tab_label
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcact_auction_not_started_label
* Dev: added $customer variable to yith_wcact_before_order_save action
* Dev: added $product variable to yith_wcact_bid_button_label filter