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YITH WooCommerce Cart Messages Premium

YITH WooCommerce Cart Messages Premium 1.26.0

YITH WooCommerce Cart Messages Premium.jpg

Improve your e-commerce purchases with messages focused on your customers​

Imagine being able to bring your customers to purchase a related product to those in their cart, or to spend more to take advantage of a particular deal or free shipping: for the majority of the online transactions, you just need a small incentive to improve the purchases of your e-commerce and to loyalize a new client.

A very common mistake is to offer discounts or promotions that customers won’t be able to see, rendering the entire process pointless: YITH WooCommerce Cart Messages solves this problem, offering you the chance to create a message your customers will see once they reach their cart page!

A single plugin, yet infinite possibilities to increase exponentially the purchases of your e-commerce.
These are only few of the possible scenarios that you can realize with YITH WooCommerce Cart Messages: imagine being able to monitor automatically the cart of the users and suggest a promotion product related to what they are going to buy.

Imagine informing them that, getting to a minimum amount, they could take advantage of a particular discount or, for example, free shipping. And what if you could also apply the urgency principle and push your clients to purchase immediately to benefit from a promotion that will end soon?

These are only some of the possible examples of what our plugin can offer you, but the result will always be the same: clients will be encouraged to buy more, to buy as soon as possible and to come back to your website to keep buying.
How exactly?

Studies show that of the 80% of customers who abandon their cart before completing their purchase, almost half of them do so after finding themselves facing unexpected expenses (such as shipping fees), which is why offering free shipping once a certain purchase value is reached and informing customers directly in their cart page will:
  • Reduce your lost cart rate
  • Increase the average value of each single purchase
  • Keep your customers loyal
But this is only one of the possible uses of this plugin: free your imagination and increase your sales!
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